When Spirit meets Soulmate

Happy Tuesday beautiful people! How are you? I’m sure by my cheesy smile you can tell I’m super excited, and if you know me well you probably know why. It is because autumn is FINALLY here! Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes, tan scarfs and thin sweaters here I come!

The vibes of this season always tend to bring me great joy. When the color of trees change from forest green to almond brown, my heart can’t help but smile because the most wonderful time of the year is here.

Stepping into this new season, my thoughts cannot help but revert back to my college years. You see, for many college students, it’s about that time, (if you are a college student reading this post, don’t act as if you don’t know 😉.) It’s time to get booed up with your selected choice of the season. Well, at least for me it was.

Back in the day…

I recall that being my main focus: finding Mr. Right, but for ALL the wrong reasons. At the ripe age of 17, I was free from my mom and away from religion. I believed if I took a 360 turn in my wardrobe, dropped a few pounds and dashed a little promiscuity here and there, I’d for sure get the boyfriend of my dreams. Sure enough, my life began to change, but not in a good way. Miss. Goody Two Shoes had gone bad.

Two kickbacks and a blunt later, I stopped attending church and started to separate myself from Christ . I even began to hang out with people who I never thought I’d hang with just so I could be apart of the “in” crowd.

During that time I began to deal with relationship issues from all arenas- friendships, guys, my parents and my family. I even began to question some of my religious beliefs and wondered if all I had been taught was a lie. I was truly confused and had no idea how I was going to make it through the rest of my college years.

It literally took several flings, phony friendships, a wake up call from God and a Bible believing church in order to remind me I was worth more than a nice compliment and the front seat of a guys car.

Now, that my friends is simply just a snippet of my story, but it is helps me to stay grounded in who God is, what He truly means to me and why it is important to stay committed to Him.

Final Thoughts

In my previous post, I Do, I Don’t Ummm, Maybe 🙄? I shared one of the main essentials I believe is necessary to have in order to prepare yourself for your future spouse. That necessity is to:

 Pray your future spouse has a relationship with God.

However, I would like to add- on, before praying your future spouse has it all together with God, it’s time you pray YOU have it all together with God. Ask Him to reveal to you the areas in your life that need to be cleaned up. You’d be surprised at what He shares with you. Before you can make yourself one with another, it is important to make yourself one with God. By doing so, He will release the veils from your eyes and allow you to see the beautiful being He sees you as in the spirit.  Once your spiritual being is revealed from the inside out, it will allow the eyes of your soul mate to fully see you for the first time as well.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Genesis 2:23-25


2 thoughts on “When Spirit meets Soulmate”

  1. I can relate to your college story on so many levels! Thank you for sharing this :-). I’m really loving this blog.

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