
Are You Ready to Extend Your Stretch with God?

Are you ready? On your mark…get set… GO! Learn how I took on the long stretch with God and how you can too! Remember you are more prepared than you think you are!  Cool breeze kisses my face ever so lightly as I venture down a path of the unknowing. People around me chat in small groups while others walk their dogs.  Inhaling deeply, I smile and take in the moment of serenity. I then wonder, “Lord, why can’t ALL moments be like this— peaceful with NO problems?” As I continue to walk, I envision  God looking  at me with a sly grin responding, “Oh Erica, I could do that, but what fun would that be?” Tilting my head while looking at Him, I can’t help but agree. And, I’m sure you can’t but agree too. Let’s face it; our lives would be boring if no action took place, and we would operate like robots with no purpose roaming the Earth. Sis, that’s the ultimate reason I said yes to God. The Real Reason I was tired of running around the same hamster wheel, never catching a break, hanging around the same crew that didn’t align to my purpose nor His call on my life.     Now, I will admit this journey wasn’t easy then and sure isn’t easy now. However, I can say He’s been preparing me all along. He equips me for every trial I face.  Protects me from the fiery darts the enemy throws my way. He reveals things to me that will come. Just like me, if you’ve decided to say yes, He has a set of tools just for you to fight with when the enemy comes your way. Reflect and Journal Take a moment to reflect on the trials you’ve experienced. Write them out. While reflecting on these moments, acknowledge how they were challenging, but share how God saw you through them. Once you complete the task, share it with a loved one, a close friend, or someone you don’t know. You now have a testimony to share, a story to tell. Hi friend! Did you enjoy this message? Comment below your main takeaway and how you plan to implement it this season. I’d love to hear from you!  

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What to Expect When You Say “YES” to God

“So, how old do you think you’ll be when you fully settle down with God?” my friend Reggie asked. It was my junior year in college, we’d just finished another successful game night with friends and he decided to stay a little longer to help clean up. Pausing for a minute, I thought about his question and responded, “Hmmm, I don’t know maybe when I’m about 23.”  I figured because I was in college I needed to live a little and the Lord would understand.  Smiling at my response, we continued to chat about our future and what things would look like after college.  Once he left, I remember thinking to myself, only Reggie could ask me that question and I wouldn’t get offended. I mean– he was the only man I knew in his 20s engaged,  serious about his relationship with God, but would vibe to a 2Chainz or Trinidad James song real quick. As I sit back and think about that night I can’t help, but think about how God truly slide into that conversation and even changed the ending to MY story.  You see, my goal was to live out my life the way I wanted to and slide God in when I could. A Sunday service here and a communion session there.  I mean, can I be real? However, God had other plans for my life. The two years that followed turned out to be the purge of my life. I said YES I lost loved ones,  friendships ended, relationships dissolved, and my emotions went ramped. Through it all though, I was able to go back to my first love—Father God, who accepted me with open arms.  And, He made me His number one follower the following year once I surrendered. The Choice is Yours So, if you’ve decided to finally take a stance and follow God, I want you to know you’ve made the greatest decision of your life!  If you’re still thinking about it or you’re on the fence, meet me here. You no longer have to sit on the sideline any longer but sis you can join the game.  He has so much in store for you.  I will admit this journey is not for the weak, however, because you’re a queen of the Most High, He has a set of tools just for you to fight with when the enemy comes your way.  That is why this week’s passage is Ephesians 6:10-18. As you carry out the remainder of this week I encourage you to follow along with the Come Up season right here because next week, I’ll dig even deeper into what you can expect when you say yes to God! See you then! Hi friend! Did you enjoy this message? Comment below your main takeaway and how you plan to implement it in this season. I’d love to hear from you!

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God vs. Your Ego

Do you have a big ego?? Be honest. 😉 I’ll admit, at times I can definitely have one. But, I mean really who doesn’t? We’ve all had a time or two when we want situations to go our way. It’s either our way or no way at all. Can I get an amen?? But what happens when our situations don’t turn out the way we plan them? We put a lot of effort in them only to see them fail. Worst thing is we blame God for our mishaps. It has taken me a minute, but I’ve finally come to the realization of who’s truly in charge of our plans. When you think about it, who’s really making the load heavy? Is it God or your ego? Well my friends I’m here to tell you that God is in charge of it all. We might make plans or come up with a list of things we want to take place in our lives, but unless it is Godly driven it’s not going to happen. By crying out to the Lord and giving Him your heart’s desire YOU WILL SUCCEED — but do know it more than likely won’t be on the time you have set on your Google calendar. It will be the time God has for you and trust God’s timing is the best, even though it doesn’t seem like it sometimes. Every step and move you make God knows about it  and is aware of what you are trying to do. Remember, He created you so He knows what is best for you. This is exactly why He determines our steps to lead us in the right path. You might want to move forward, but maybe God wants you to stay were you are until He knows you are ready to proceed. For example, after I graduated from college, I wanted to move to New York and start my career as a professional journalist. Instead, after college, I found myself back in Atlanta job hunting. Not much of a big break huh? But, was I worried? Not at all because I knew God had a plan solely for me. So instead of moping around I would get up every morning to seek, search and ask God what was next on my agenda. Before I knew it God moved and a plethora of blessing began to flow my way. From internships, interviews and a new job. So my friends just remember that God is the decision maker in your life and He knows what’s best. You might have that professor who you just can’t stand, but you never know that professor could be the person you have to create a mutual relationship with because you need the “A” or “B” to graduate. You might be in a situation similar as mine and don’t know what to do, but hear me when I say give it to God and He’ll lead the way because He has a path set just for you.

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Your Time is NOW!

Have you ever found yourself waiting on God’s appointed time to begin the assignment He’s placed on your life? Possibly He’s shared with you a vision or placed in your night slumber a beautiful dream. It’s at that moment you feel honored and appreciated that He would assign you with such gracious assignment. You know what He has placed in your heart is out of your league and  in order  to complete it you need to trust Him wholeheartedly. Given such powerful vision from Almighty Himself ,you start off strong, however you began to back up when pressure comes your way. Can you relate? I know I can. Flash back three years ago to my senior year in college and what’s stated above describes my reaction to God’s calling in my life to the T. “People of God are in a very dark state,” are the exact words God spoke to me one night during my senior year in college after hearing a group of girls chatting outside of my dorm. One of the girls made the statement “We’ve got to stop sinning.” Her friend’s response was, “But I like it.” Immediately when I heard the friend’s response I was taken aback. “What does she mean she likes sin?” I thought to myself. However I was reminded shortly after that I hadn’t always been righteous and holy myself. To be honest, the week before I had rededicated my life to Christ, so I had no room to judge. From that moment on I knew God had given me an assignment and it was my job to gear young adults and milliennials to Christ. In January 2016 Christians in College was established which begin my journey to REFRESH. During that time in my life, I was so amped-up that God had chosen me to minister to His people. However, I was not aware of the trials and tribulations that would follow after fully surrendering myself to Him and taken on the challenge to complete the task. Until this day I continue to ask God for strength to carry out the mission He’s assigned me. Although my flesh wants to give up and go back to the way things were once before, I am now aware that God knows best. Final thoughts So, beautiful people if you believe God has assigned you with a great work to complete I want you to know your time to get started is NOW! Whether that be starting a blog, working on a book or ministering to a friend, our Father is waiting on US to move. You see, He’s already paid the price by sacrificing His son Jesus. In fact, He’s already completed OUR TASK for us believe it or not. All we have to do to see Him manifest and move in our lives is take action. It’s time we let go of our feelings of fear, thoughts of worry and simply walk by faith. Yes, it’s easier said than done (trust me I know😉 ), but it is not impossible. My beautiful people comment below what you believe God has assigned you to do this season. Since this topic is very dear to my heart I am willing to touch and agree with you in prayer.

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