Hip- Hop Rapper and Fashion Guru, Kanye West is Touching Lives and Healing Them Too! Did you know, today, marks a full month since Kanye dropped his latest Gospel album, “Jesus is King?” Yes, you have read right, GOSPEL album. And, people are going cray cray over it. I being one of them. Although it’s great, I didn’t come to share with you a review of his album. Instead, I would like to share with you my thoughts on his story and the positive effect it has for others. In January, prior to the release of his album, Kanye began his own traveling church entitled, “Sunday Service.” Every Sunday he goes with his choir, the Samples, to different locations and spread their love for Jesus through music. I was shocked when I first received news of Kanye’s Sunday Service and the possibility he may launch a GOSPEL album. The news may have come as a surprise to you, but to me, it was a revelation. Truth be told, a few weeks before the news was released, a friend and I were having a conversation about music we grew up listening too and immediately I mentioned how I missed the old Kanye. The Kanye who inspired me to go after my dreams and walk into my destiny. The Kanye who reminded me to walk with Jesus in all areas of life. The Kanye who pointed out the importance of my parents and how they shouldn’t be taken for granted. Although Kanye’s songs weren’t holy or curse word free, compared to other artists out there, at the time, Kanye was cool with me. When I listened to his music, he would reveal stories that captured my attention. They would bring issues to light. He had a way with his words and was never afraid to speak his mind– whether people would agree with him or not. That day, I recall sharing with my friend, even though his circumstances had him down at that moment I felt he would come back in some way more impactful than ever before. When my revelation came to pass, I was excited but still did my research. I wanted to know if what he was promoting a scam or legit? Had Kanye really renewed his mind and given it back to Christ? I watched an interview, presented by BigBoyTV, to begin my search. Throughout the interview, conducted by radio host, Big Boy, Kanye shared how he started in the music industry, the highs and lows of being an entertainer working with a corrupted company and he shared how he came out of hiding when he was informed by God to start his ministry. (If you haven’t seen the interview check it out here!) Honestly, after watching that interview my side-eye straightened up. The judgemental voices in my mind stopped chattering and I took in what Kanye said as true. Think about it, we haven’t been walking a straight and narrow path all of our lives. Apostle Paul describes us best when he mentions in Romans 3:23-24, how we have ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Yet, we are justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. I believe just as God saved and redeemed us from our wicked mindset and behavior, He did the same for Kanye. Final Thoughts We are ALL working progress. None of us are perfect. I can’t change how you think of Kanye because you have your own free will. But, what I am saying is loosen up and evaluate yourself if judgemental voices are haunting you. Since Kanye’s ministry began He has managed to connect people back to God, introduce non-believers to Christ and spread the Gospel! Did I mention his album ranks as No. 1? According to Nielson, he achieved the equivalent of 264,000 sales in the United States in its opening week, including 197 million streams and 109,000 copies sold as a full album, according to Nielsen. At the end of the day, all I can say is, Thank you, Kanye! Click here to listen to his full album, “Jesus is King”. My favorite is, “God Is“, What’s yours? Share in the comments below!