
Late Nights and Early Mornings with Abba Father

One night, shifting in my sleep, I arise by the flickering firelight beaming brightly from the candle which lay loosely on my nightstand. Blowing out my candle, I glance at my phone screen to see it’s only 4 o’clock in the morning. I have a good three hours left before my daily alarm rings to jump-start my day. A sleek smile spread across my face as I snuggle deep under my covers and close my eyes. Five seconds later, they open again with my phone in hand strolling down the History page on my YouTube channel. Suddenly, the thought of “Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural” comes to mind and I am reminded to finish watching the episode, “Steven Bancarz- From New Age Influencer to Jesus Follower.” I click on the link to watch Steven’s testimony, and immediately I am hooked. It truly took me by surprise to see how Steven had been placed in a position were he began to believe that his inner conscious was God. Steven then began to share some of the practices he partook in as a New Age Influencer such as tarot cards, lucid dreams and yoga. After watching Steven’s story I then checked out his website, and while on the site I ran across the article, “Do All Religions Leads Us to God and Share the Same Truth?” and boy did that blow my mind. For about 20 minutes I read on popular religions and how many argue that they all correlate to God in some form. One of those main reasons being love. In this article, Steven explains in detail the similarities and differences of each religion and how they focus on similar subjects, but their overall goal is different. Well awake now, as the dark skies began to turn into its blue hour, I then felt lead to check out a sermon by the late Stephen Darby. Searching through Stephen’s sermons, one that stood out to me was Hollywood: Satan’s Prophetic Programming“. In his sermon, Stephen shared with his congregation how Satan manages to control the entertainment business through movies and T.V. shows. He carried on by saying at times we can be so intrigued in a movie or T.V. show that what we watch can have a huge negative effect in our lives. Unfortunately, because of the action in the film we would be too desensitized to notice it. Before I knew it, the sun had risen and here I was full of new information of the world and the state we are currently living in. When was the last time you spent time with God? What about the last time you prayed He share wisdom and new revelation with you? Often times I pray that prayer, but I had no idea He would visit me the way He did. Talk about late nights and early mornings with Abba Father.  

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Come Out of Hiding

Airplane flights have a supernatural effect on me. When high in the sky, away from the horrific sounds of police cars, ambulances, and firetrucks, I feel in tune with God. As if we are having a one-on-one in-depth conversation. However, when I exit the plane, that once vivid feeling of connectivity is gone, and I feel further away from my Father. My spirit urges me to connect back with the Spirit of the Holy One that was there moments ago; however, my body and soul are interested in examining what is around me physically. After a few tugs and words of deception, the flesh wins this round. My spirit cries to be set free by the Father while my body moves by the beat of the fast cars, flashing lights, and chaotic commotion of the world. The last time you heard from me regarding REFRESH Magazine was April 20. (Check it out here!) on that specific date, I informed you that I’d be going on a journey, and I’ll be keeping you posted on what God had in store for me. While filming that segment, I repeated what my Father informed me to say to His people. At the time, I had no idea what the “journey” would look like, who would be involved, or what I would receive from it. In a sense, I felt as if I were one of Jesus’s first disciples: anxious, curious, and ready. For they had no idea where Jesus was taking them, but they “IMMEDIATELY left their nets and followed Him” (Matthew 4:20) because they sensed in their spirit that something grand was about to take place. Feeling the same way, I dropped everything clear and certain to me and followed the voice I perceived as God, and then…..everything changed. For the next five months, I found myself seeking my home, peers, thought process, church, and, sure enough, my voice. In many ways, my voice became obsolete, quiet and silent. Yes, it would speak, but simply according to man and what sounded good. The best way I could describe myself during that time was similar to a robot- an object moving by demand. I would have moments where the light to my spirit would flicker mightily in my womb, and for a few minutes, I’d sense in my spirit that I wasn’t exactly where God wanted me to be. However, once I’d mention that feeling or sense to anyone, I’d be informed that it simply wasn’t my spirit speaking to me but a distraction from the enemy. After receiving such a straightforward message, I would forget about my spirit and, just as I would when exiting a plane, follow my body and soul. Now mind you, in the beginning, when I first received Word about this journey, I just knew it was from God. Nevertheless, it took the start of this journey to figure out what I was experiencing was not ordained by God. However, He informed me that “ALL THINGS work together for GOOD to those who love Him and are called according to HIS PURPOSE (Romans 8:28), and even during that trial He still had me covered and even until this day He still does. I needed to experience the trial that I went through this summer. By experiencing it, I became more aware of myself, my calling and truly my voice. So my message for you today is to enjoy your life. Enjoy the struggles, changes, challenges, hardships, and joys, for it is simply set to help you. Keep in mind that our God is a God of love. He cares very much about you, but He wants to see you grow. So every hardship or mix-up you find yourself in, and you feel as if God is not there, count it as a lie and begin to declare authority over your life, for you have it because He’s given you dominion and power! With that being said, let the journey to REFRESH continue. Join me on this real-life roller coaster where I will share with you the practical steps God shares with me, His overall full purpose for me and will.  

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