
Revelation: Daughter, Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Recently, during my quiet time with the Lord,  He spoke to me and said, “Daughter, let your voice be heard!”  It stirred my spirit, and I know it’s meant to stir yours too. If you’ve been feeling restless, unsure, but ready for more, this word is for you. And the Lord Says, “Daughter, Let Your Voice Be Heard!” There are no limitations. I give you permission to step out of the box. Take off the training wheels and get ready to soar. Your mindset is shifting, and your old habits are no more. I dwell in you, and I want you to remember that always. Abide in Me as I abide in you (John 15:4). Things that are to come may look uncertain or different from what you are used to, but I want you to know that I am here, leading and guiding your every step. You will not fail. Walk with the authority I have given you! The season you’ve asked Me for has arrived. Your time is NOW!  Your moment is here! Take hold of what I have graced you with and hold on to it tightly. Remember, your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). But I, El Shaddai, have placed within you a power so strong that it fights back with righteous anger, for it is connected to its heavenly source—the Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26). Do not fear what I will show you in the days to come. Instead, rejoice, for I have already provided all you need.   Hi friend! Did this revelation speak to you? Comment below your main takeaway and how you plan to act on this word in this quarter of the year! I’d love to hear from you!

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Revelation: Move, It’s Time!

Earlier this month, in the wee hours of the morning, 4 a.m. to be exact, God woke me up and began to speak. Move! It’s time. Operate according to the Spirit of the Lord. Those were the first words He shared with me. Startled by His voice, instead of grabbing my phone as I usually would to write His word, I quickly grabbed my journal and began to write the words He had to say.  Sitting in His presence, God began to show me times in my life when I would start and stop. Visuals of myself getting excited about what He’d called me to do, but freezing when distractions would come my way. After revealing those scenes to me in the spirit He said, “No more holding back! For I have called you to move forward. The next word God spoke to me was:                                                                           Speak Up!   “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ For you shall go to all to whom I send you, And whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord. Jeremiah 1:7-8 (NKJV)    Now, although God spoke to me I believe this word is for his daughters at large.   Specifically women He has chosen, women whom He’s placed a mantle on their lives.  In this hour ladies,  God is calling us as His divine daughters to speak up and say what we see. Intercede on His behalf and share the good news to all. When the enemy comes with fiery darts in people who do not want to accept what we have to say or receive it, God tells us to “Not be afraid of their faces, for He is with us to deliver us from them.”  Yes, the enemy has a big mouth and minions to help him out. But our God is stronger, powerful, and ever so gracious. He blessed us with DOMINION (power, authority) over the enemy as soon as He kicked him out of Heaven and Jesus saw  the enemy fall like lightning. So, in short ladies, this means the enemy has already been defeated! (Isaiah 14:12-14, Luke 10:19) As the morning hour continued to grow, wide awake at this point, God continued to speak to me: “Stop playing in the safe zone,” He said. “ It’s time to move up and operate in whom I’ve called you to be.” Ladies if you didn’t know, God is ready to share with you great strategies and give you the answers to the prayers you’ve been praying for. He’s ready to give you divine increase financially, spiritually, and set you mentally free! You cannot afford to sit on the spirit of the living God. Thessalonians 5:19-22 (NKJV) says it clearly, “Do not quench the spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test ALL THINGS, hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” How is God speaking to you?  Do not count out His voice.  He is speaking and He has very much to say! Hey love, did Abba Father speak to you in this word? For clarification, what He had to say has been written in bold and red. If this Word blessed you in any way, please share in the comments below! I’d love to read! Blessings to you!

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Revelation: Daughter, Just Show Up

It was just last month, I sat on the patio of a cabin in North Carolina  staring out into the mountains. Once again I was having another coming to Jesus moment. The atmosphere was quiet. Real quiet. But, then again it was loud. Real loud. Flies buzzed. Crickets chirped. The sun shined and I waited. I waited for His presence, His voice, His instruction. Yet, I knew I had it. I had the confirmation I’d been seeking for, asking, and crying about. It was just time for me to move forward and take action. But how? Have you experienced the same dilemma? You’re aware of what God wants you to do, but afraid of how your outcome will be? So, in return you stall. You find excuses to get around the assignment God has given you. During my time of hesitation, I felt like prophet Jeremiah and thought: “Lord, I can’t speak for you, I’m too young! I’m not worthy. I don’t know enough Word and I haven’t read the whole Bible from cover to cover. Surely, Abba you can’t be talking to me.” Rambling on about my issues and why I felt I wasn’t qualified for His assignment, immediately I felt His presence. Abba’s Response: Right on queue, spiritually, I saw Abba. He smirked at me, shook His head, and responded similarly as He did to Jeremiah: “Don’t say I’m too young. My child this isn’t a request, it’s an order. You must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you.” Before I could find another reason to protest, Abba read my mind and continued. “Did you get that?” He asked. “I will do the job for you, I just need you step out of the way and allow me to move in you. I will give you ALL you need to write and speak, just trust in me.” The Revelation: Taking in a deep breathe, I meditated on the Word He’d given me. Within an manner of minutes, I couldn’t help but reverence in His presence and surrender my ALL to Him because I finally grasped the bigger picture. All I needed to do was show up and He would handle the rest. Talk about a major relief and sis, I want you to know that same revelation applies to you too! As you continue to move forward in the assignment God has given you know that you are  not alone. All Abba request of you is to show up and He’ll take it from there. The journeys we experience don’t have to be as gruesome as we make them, all we have to do is give them to Abba and allow Him to lead the way. Hey sis, did you enjoy what you read? Share with me your greatest takeaway in the comments below! I can’t wait to read it!

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Enough is Enough, Sis!

Have you ever seen the movie, Enough with star actress Jennifer Lopez? In this thrilling drama, Lopez plays the role of Slim, a working-class waitress, and wife to a wealthy contractor, Mitch Hiller. Sim’s life, from the outside looking in, is every women’s desire. A man who provides all her needs and wants.  However, when Mitch becomes abusive and their child witnesses his foul behavior, Sim escapes in order to save their lives. Now, let’s switch the script. If you were in Slim’s shoes, (BE HONEST) what would you do? a.) Stay and become complacent with your life b.) Runaway and start a new life with a new name c.) Face your fears by confronting your husband   Being true to you and myself, my response would be C, but if you would have asked me last year, I would have chosen A. For years I operated in a “why me” manner. I went through many trials and tribulations feeling worthless and ignored by God. Nevertheless, I made it through them all and it was only by the grace of God!!   The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help.     He rescues them from all their troubles. Psalms 34:17   Once Slim discovered the power she had inside, when attacked by Mitch, she took action by fighting back and declared what was rightfully hers.  The Mission Sis, I want you to know, all your ducklings DON’T need to be in a row. All of your T’s DON’T need to be crossed and your I’s dotted. When God says move- MOVE. When He says, “That’s Enough,” it’s enough. I want you to know He’s equipped you for the assignment and if you haven’t received it  He’s preparing you for it RIGHT NOW. So, take charge because He’s far finished with you! Hey sis, do like what you’ve read? What was your greatest takeaway? I can’t wait to read your comments below!  

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Finish What You Started

Do you recall your favorite pair of shoes growing up? While many rocked Nike Air Force Ones, I was a Converse kid, and my favorite pair were my yellow and blue All-Star Converse. I was twelve years old when I first laid my hands on the light yellow and blue high-tops. They were just my size, unique, and just like me. Whenever I walked down the hallway with my fresh kicks, I just knew I was the best thing since sliced bread. When friends complimented me on my shoes, all thirty-two of my teeth were on display( and if you know me, I’m not one to smile with my teeth too often). I’m not sure what it was about those shoes or what made me love them so much,  but during that period of time, they helped me to define myself. They helped me discover parts of myself that I didn’t know existed.  However, as time moved on and although my shoes remained the same I grew out of them. No longer could I rock them as I once was able to. It was time for me to put them away and start with something fresh… something new. Finish What You Started! As we carry out this season of revitalization, sis I encourage you to keep pushing because God is moving mightily. This morning, during my quiet time with Him, He placed Hebrews 11:1 so strongly on my heart  I could do nothing but cry because I  was reminded how important it is to operate in faith. NOW, faith is the substance of things HOPED for and the evidence of things NOT seen. – Hebrews 11:1 You see, for many years I moved around in circles questioning God when will I arrive? When will I get out of this rut?  But can I tell you, something sis? I was my own hold up! I created a mountain out of a molehill. I doubted myself. I downgraded my call. I spoke death on the very Word God gave me.  It wasn’t until I was at my lowest peek in life when I saw God continuously move on my behalf. It helped me to realize ABBA wanted me to succeed and see my SOUL prosper. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.- 3 John  1:2 Today, I’m here to share with you that He wants you to do the same by finishing what you have started. Mindset Shift Beginning this year, I believe we all had set goals in mind. One may have been to accomplish a weight goal, discover a healthier way to eat, or spend more time with family. Nevertheless, life happens and I’m sure by now your perfect plan isn’t flowing the way you would like it to (I know mine isn’t.)  However, that does NOT give us a pass to give up! We serve a  sovereign God, and just as I was reminded this morning, He simply wants me to remind you that your time is now. There should be no more delay. It’s time to pick up that old notebook, take a glimpse at the vision board you created earlier this year. My friend, you’re right on time to finish what you started. Remember, God’s timing is never late!  Hey sis, do like what you’ve read? What was your greatest takeaway? I can’t wait to read your comments below! ***Editor’s Note: This post was originally posted in October 2019 and has been revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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