Do you often question God? Does the thought “Why me?” come to mind more than once? Guilt! I know I have and I want you to know you’re not alone if you have to. For years, I moved around in cycles questioning God: “When will I get out of this rut?” ” What’s wrong with me?” “Why Me Lord?” When life wasn’t going the way I hoped, I created a mountain out of a molehill. I doubted myself, downgraded my call, and spoke death on the very Word God gave me. Only to discover–I was my own holdup! It wasn’t until I was at my lowest peek in life when I saw God continuously move on my behalf. It helped me to realize He wanted me to succeed and see my SOUL prosper. In this post, I will share with you four ways you can stop blaming Him for your problems and discover how to give yourself the grace needed to finish what you started! The Grace Strategy 1.) Highlight Your Weaknesses Highlight areas in your life when you start to feel negative, write them down, and be honest with yourself. Prime example you may feel a hint of jealously when you stroll on a social media site or when you FINALLY start the assignment God placed in your heart to complete NOBODY seems to care. The enemy loves for us to get into our emotions, waddle in sadness, and –let’s talk about it OVERTHINK! Nevertheless, God our Father never graced us with fear, but with LOVE, JOY, and a SOUND mind and He wants you to be honest and open with Him 2.) Believe It’s time to believe. It’s important that you take out those old notes, review your vision board, look at your list of goals, sit down, and have a little chat with Jesus. During this segment DO NOT question if this motive will work or what’s the purpose. If you do, that will plant doubt in your mind. Instead, TRUST God will sustain you and provide you with the tools you need to succeed. All you need to do is believe. 3.) Give Yourself Grace It’s obvious, but still should be recognized, when finishing what you started it’s important to give yourself grace. You and I both know we are NOT perfect and we NEVER will be. God created us and He’s aware of our flaws. He knows when we make mistakes. Yet, He’s given us the stability and strength to get back up again. 4.) Spend With God Set time aside to spend with God. Think about all the time you have in the day and what you do with it. You make have classes you take throughout the day or a 9 to 5 job. Whatever your case may be carve out some time with God. By doing so, you are able to step away from your flesh and step into your spiritual being. God has sooo much He wants to reveal to you. He wants to see you flourish. However, you must be willing to take on the grace strategy to finish what you’ve started. And, my friend if you’ve made it to the end of this post I truly believe you can do so! Hey sis, do like what you’ve read? What was your greatest takeaway? I can’t wait to read your comments below!