life lesson

Revelation: Daughter, Just Show Up

It was just last month, I sat on the patio of a cabin in North Carolina  staring out into the mountains. Once again I was having another coming to Jesus moment. The atmosphere was quiet. Real quiet. But, then again it was loud. Real loud. Flies buzzed. Crickets chirped. The sun shined and I waited. I waited for His presence, His voice, His instruction. Yet, I knew I had it. I had the confirmation I’d been seeking for, asking, and crying about. It was just time for me to move forward and take action. But how? Have you experienced the same dilemma? You’re aware of what God wants you to do, but afraid of how your outcome will be? So, in return you stall. You find excuses to get around the assignment God has given you. During my time of hesitation, I felt like prophet Jeremiah and thought: “Lord, I can’t speak for you, I’m too young! I’m not worthy. I don’t know enough Word and I haven’t read the whole Bible from cover to cover. Surely, Abba you can’t be talking to me.” Rambling on about my issues and why I felt I wasn’t qualified for His assignment, immediately I felt His presence. Abba’s Response: Right on queue, spiritually, I saw Abba. He smirked at me, shook His head, and responded similarly as He did to Jeremiah: “Don’t say I’m too young. My child this isn’t a request, it’s an order. You must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you.” Before I could find another reason to protest, Abba read my mind and continued. “Did you get that?” He asked. “I will do the job for you, I just need you step out of the way and allow me to move in you. I will give you ALL you need to write and speak, just trust in me.” The Revelation: Taking in a deep breathe, I meditated on the Word He’d given me. Within an manner of minutes, I couldn’t help but reverence in His presence and surrender my ALL to Him because I finally grasped the bigger picture. All I needed to do was show up and He would handle the rest. Talk about a major relief and sis, I want you to know that same revelation applies to you too! As you continue to move forward in the assignment God has given you know that you are  not alone. All Abba request of you is to show up and He’ll take it from there. The journeys we experience don’t have to be as gruesome as we make them, all we have to do is give them to Abba and allow Him to lead the way. Hey sis, did you enjoy what you read? Share with me your greatest takeaway in the comments below! I can’t wait to read it!

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Enough is Enough, Sis!

Have you ever seen the movie, Enough with star actress Jennifer Lopez? In this thrilling drama, Lopez plays the role of Slim, a working-class waitress, and wife to a wealthy contractor, Mitch Hiller. Sim’s life, from the outside looking in, is every women’s desire. A man who provides all her needs and wants.  However, when Mitch becomes abusive and their child witnesses his foul behavior, Sim escapes in order to save their lives. Now, let’s switch the script. If you were in Slim’s shoes, (BE HONEST) what would you do? a.) Stay and become complacent with your life b.) Runaway and start a new life with a new name c.) Face your fears by confronting your husband   Being true to you and myself, my response would be C, but if you would have asked me last year, I would have chosen A. For years I operated in a “why me” manner. I went through many trials and tribulations feeling worthless and ignored by God. Nevertheless, I made it through them all and it was only by the grace of God!!   The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help.     He rescues them from all their troubles. Psalms 34:17   Once Slim discovered the power she had inside, when attacked by Mitch, she took action by fighting back and declared what was rightfully hers.  The Mission Sis, I want you to know, all your ducklings DON’T need to be in a row. All of your T’s DON’T need to be crossed and your I’s dotted. When God says move- MOVE. When He says, “That’s Enough,” it’s enough. I want you to know He’s equipped you for the assignment and if you haven’t received it  He’s preparing you for it RIGHT NOW. So, take charge because He’s far finished with you! Hey sis, do like what you’ve read? What was your greatest takeaway? I can’t wait to read your comments below!  

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