
alarm clock lying on multicolored surface

Revelation: It’s Time!

Did you know getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do? Would you like to know what’s greater than that? Receiving UNDERSTANDING! In Proverbs 4:7 King Solomon, son of David, clarifies this information best when he states: “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom and in ALL your getting, get understanding.” Simply put, wisdom is the FIRST thing YOU should seek for when moving forward with the assignment God has given YOU. SECOND, it’s all about getting, grasping, and gaining an understanding of the information you now have. During this aggressive pandemic, known as the coronavirus, while many people are shutting down, God is amping YOU up because…   IT’S TIME He has poured out great revelations and new instructions for us all and He would like for them to be revealed. Stepping into this season, this is what Abba shared with me:   And the Lord Says: I am purging you and cleansing you from everything you think you know. Even things you avoid to share with me, I’m taking those away from you too. Now I know what you see is either hard to fathom or comprehend, but note that I got you baby girl. I got you man of God. Remember the battle is NOT yours but it’s mine (2 Chronicles 20:15) and guess what?!! I’ve already won it. So, be of good cheer. It’s time! It’s time to take action. It’s time to elevate your mind and eliminate your Stinky thinking. It’s time to let go of your past and focus on your future! Cut ties that latch on to your soul and allow me to heal your bruised wounds.  Processes with me don’t happen overnight but trust me, they are worth the ride. Now receive it in Jesus’ Name! My God now isn’t that amazing?? Abba Father will blow your mind, won’t He? When He shared that insight with me I just couldn’t keep it to myself. I had to let it out. It is now time for you to do the same! Take heed to what He has revealed and then take action! He has you covered! Hey love, did Abba Father speak to you in this word? If so, comment below what He had to say! I’d love to hear! 

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5 Power-Packed Scriptures That Give Strength In ANY Situation

I don’t know about you, but the first thing that comes to mind when I see the word STRENGTH is: Shocking I know, but it’s true! Sherman Klump went through so much just to fit in, only to find out that he was perfect just the way he was. Now that is what you call STRENGTH! Below are five power-packed scriptures I suggest you read when you’re down and need strength to pick you up: 1. God is my strong fortress, and he makes my way perfect. -2 Samuel 22:33 NLT God is your security guard. He makes sure you make it to your destiny safe and sound all the time. 2. The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.-Psalms 28:7 NLT When you feel down and need a pick me up, I encourage you to sing to the top of your lungs. Yes, you’ve read right. Sing a few of your favorite inspirational songs to flush away the funk you may be feeling. It doesn’t matter if you are off-key or not, the Lord inhabits your praises. It is an honor when you sing glory to his name. Plus, it will make you feel 100 times better once you finish! 😉 3. The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights. -Habakkuk 3:19 NLT  Never forget God is your STRENGTH and with Him ANYTHING is possible! Instead of breaking down remember  He has given you confidence as strong and mighty as a deer to conquer the highest of heights! 4. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.- Philippians 4:13 NLT No explanation is necessary! Apostle Paul explains YOU are capable of doing ALL THINGS through Jesus Christ. This means, there is no need to second guess your possibilities, just do it and finish what you’ve begun! 5. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:29 NLT When you are weak God will make you STRONG. When all of your hope is gone HE will give you power! ELEVATE FROM THIS: TO: YESICAN! YES I CAN!!! GOD BLESS!!!

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The Key to Understand the Word of God

Are you calling out to Father God, but feel like you are not receiving a response? Instead of giving up it’s time to dig deeper and find out the key to understand the Word of God.  Do you recall your school days, waiting for the final bell to ring? Your Friday evening would already be set and your weekend plans were good to go.  With backpack intact and your eyes glued to the clock, in just a few seconds you would be free. Suddenly, your English teacher would state,”…Oh yes! Before I forget, I want a report on the book we’ve been discussing in class. It will be due this upcoming Monday.” The bell would ring right after their unwanted announcement and a smile of great joy would appear on their face because they had completed their goal to make your life miserable.  Oh, the agony! A huge sigh would escalate around the entire room and students would mumble how they couldn’t stand the teacher and they couldn’t wait to graduate. Sound familiar? Today, we find ourselves in similar situations. Whether at school or work, we are always tested or asked to do something we do not want to do. However, it must be complete or we will not receive benefits. This scenario, my friends, is very similar to the Bible.   Understanding the Word of God   For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. (Hebrews 4:12 NLT) In the scripture above, the Bible is “very powerful and strong and sharper than any sword.”  This means its purpose is to shed light on our lives and speak the TRUTH. Although we don’t like to admit it, the truth hurts. As we grow deeper into the truth, note everything we read will not be understood at that time. For the things God allows us to understand,  we may not like. However, we must remember the Word is meant to strip us clean and make us whole again.   All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT) Similar to the school teacher we could not stand, at the end of the day we were able to make it through their class right? What about turning in that book report? Although we did not want to do the work, when we received a good grade on our paper, we just couldn’t wait to show our parents. Throughout the Word of God you will likely run across scriptures you do not like and commandments you just don’t understand. Take Luke 6:27 which reads … love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Now I’m not sure about you, but when I began to know God and understand Him for myself this scripture was a hard pill for me to swallow. Alongside prayer, I would meditate on this scripture by repeating it over and over again.  Since I had been manipulated by friends and backstabbed by people who I had given my heart to, I didn’t know how in the world I’d be able to forgive them, better yet love them. Especially since all I was doing was praying and repeating a line. I wish I could tell you the change happened overnight, but it did not. This transformation took some time. I had to connect with Godly counsel, continue to seek God, and think positive when evil thoughts would come to mind. Nevertheless, slowly and surely God changed my heart. No longer did I have hate or malice against my enemies but my heart reached out to them. I wanted God to move into their lives and connect them closer to Him. My friends, this is why it is soooo important to get into the Word of God. The time we are living in today is crazier than ever, but with God’s Word, He will truly keep us from falling. If you truly desire Christ in your life, but can’t seem to find Him, ask Him for His help. Yes, classes, homework, jobs, extracurricular activities can get in the way, but we must remember that we wouldn’t have been able to even get to that stage in our lives without Christ. He deserves a portion of our time EVERY DAY! If you start off with a willing mind and an open heart to follow Christ and do as His Word says your life will change for the better. How do I know might you ask? I am a living witness. Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.  (Jude 1:24-25 NLT)  Thanks for reading! Did you enjoy what you read? If so, comment below on how you incorporate God into your daily schedule! I’d love to know!

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Late Nights and Early Morning with Abba Father- Perfection

How are your conversations with God? Are they simple and sweet or in-depth and intriguing? When was the last time you spent time with God? What about the last time you prayed? Did He share wisdom and new revelation with you? A few nights ago, I found myself doubting Him and questioning the route He requested I take this season in my life. During my time of worry, He led me to a message He shared with me a few months back in regards to perfection. Tonight, I would like to share that message with you in hopes it encourages you. This is installment two of late nights and early mornings with Abba Father.   Late Nights and Early Morning with Abba Father Perfection God: Who told you, you had to be perfect? Now, before you start hooping and hollering I really want you to think about that. 🤔 Erica: Hmmm, I don’t know. No one specifically. I guess the image of the world. Because everything looks perfect, I assume you have to be. ( Even as I’m typing this right now… You see! It’s engraved in me.) My words have to be perfect, auto-corrected or I won’t be accepted. You see, even as I read over my work it automatically happens. I have to make sure it’s right or I won’t feel satisfied. Even my thoughts are moving, wondering right now what this conversation will lead to. I just have to be- God: Erica… Did I tell you ANY of those things? It’s okay-although you know the answer, you can think about it. Erica: No. God: Well again, tell me, who told you these things? Erica: Hmmm, I guess no one individually. Elementary school comes to mind. We had to have answers right on assignments. We had to treat people with respect. The smallest mistake we made we’d be punished. And hey I just didn’t want to be punished. So, I made the decision that I just had to be perfect or at least close to it in my mind. So, I’d help my teacher out. I’d try to stay as quiet as possible in the classroom and speak only when spoken to. I thought I was doing a pretty good job. God: And tell me how did that work out for you? How did that work out as you grew up? Did you end up perfect? What is perfect to you anyway? Erica: For the most part it worked out for me. I managed to make friends, connect with adults in an adultlike manner (if that makes any sense)  it’s like I felt like I understood them more. Like because I acted a certain way, different than other kids they liked me better and because I was able to please them it made me want to get better. Perfect to me is a person with NO flaws. EVERYTHING is in line. Everything falls into place. God: Who do you know like that? With NO flaws, NO issues, NO problems? Erica: Nobody really comes to mind. I would name a few people from church but because I know their testimony I know they haven’t ALWAYS been as they are now. Hmmm, I guess the closest to perfection that I can think of are celebrities. Because I don’t see them on a day-to-day basis they seem like they have it all together from my point of view. Beyonce for example. Hey, look you know her. The perfect hair, the perfect family, the beehive of fans. She’s still on Earth and apparently, her dream has come true because she’s “made it”. Look all I’m saying is she must have hopped on something perfect in her life to get to where she is now. God: Do you think Beyonce is perfect? Stop that. Analyzing things. Just be straightforward. Do you think Beyonce is perfect? Erica: No. God: Why not? You just told me all she has and all she does. Doesn’t that put her on the perfect list? Erica: I guess it does, but then again nobody is perfect. God: Hmmm… What was that? Erica: Sigh… Nobody is perfect. God: Interesting, so again why do you think you have to be?? Erica: I guess it’s just a mind thing. Growing up I was conditioned to have it that way. God: Did I ever tell you that? Did I or have I ever told you, that you had to be perfect? Erica: Hmmm. No, you haven’t. I recall you telling me to do good, but you never told me to be perfect. God: What does good mean to you? Erica: Someone who tries their best. They attempt to get things right that they might mess up. But again I guess the big thing is that they try. And they may not get it right but they truly try, which I believe makes them good. God: Are you good or perfect? What would you describe yourself as? Erica: I guess good. Okay no guessing, I know I’m good ( no pride intended) 😉 God:  And what have I required of you? Erica: To do good. God: Did I ever say perfect? Erica: Nope. You said to do good and turn away from evil. God: Now, I know you just read that scripture in Matthew where Jesus said,  “to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48 NLT What do you think about that? What do you believe my intent was/ is? Erica: Well it looks like you want us to be wise, kind, and fair to others who treat us wrong, just as you have with us. Although the word perfect can mean without flaw it also can mean accurate and pure, faithful. Oh yeah and after reading the Merriam Webster’s dictionary mature is highlighted too. God: Do you believe when you read this scripture now, I want you to be without flaw or more so mature? Better yet what do I want you to walk in? Erica: What

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women thinking

Are You REALLY Ready For Love?

Are you in a relationship? Do you feel stuck? It is time to seek God and ask Him what to do. Once you receive your response the real question becomes: Am I Really Ready For Love? L.O.V.E, a four-letter word with much meaning, yet, is used too loosely. The word has become second nature and is used for everything. Prime example–Valentine’s Day. Now, before you judge me, just think about it. While women look forward to the holiday, most men do not–well except if they are single. Let’s be honest: ladies to receive a gift from a guy your heart leaps for joy. Men, just to walk around with a beautiful woman by your side, allows you to feel like a king. However, relationships shouldn’t be like that but much much more. Women, instead of chasing after a man to give a $5 stuffed animal, chase after God so He can provide you with the man who is necessary for you. Men don’t feel jealous of your friends because they have a girl and you don’t. Instead, surrender your heart to Christ and He will work things out in your favor. Although it’s easier said, it IS possible. Trust me. I was a sucker for men and wanted love. I wanted to receive a bag full of goodies and a card with the words “I love you” inside. In elementary school, at least I was able to get cards. but once high school and college came along, those gifts stopped. In July 2014, God revealed to me why I was single. Bottom line: I wasn’t ready for a relationship. To truly submit to a man, nourish and cherish him—Please! I could barely figure out who my real friends were. Thinking about what God shared with me, I could only agree with Him because He was right. As we grow older and look at the “role models” of entertainment from Kim to Kanye and Barak to Michelle, we wish to have a similar relationship one day. Let’s take Beyonce and Jay-Z for example. Since they have a child, great music careers and can often be seen together in photos with a smile plastered on their face, people automatically assume their marriage is true and their love is real. However, looks can be deceiving. No one knows what takes place behind Beyonce and Jay-Z’s close doors, so relationship goals shouldn’t focus on what you see from the naked eye on various screens. The Purpose of a Relationship It is important to take heed and hear God in order to find out if the person you are in a relationship with is truly for you. The purpose of a relationship is to grow and mature into marriage and shouldn’t be taken lightly. 1 Corinthians 7:1  reads,” … It is good to abstain from sexual relations.”  In verses 8-9 it reads, “So I say to those who aren’t married and to widows—it’s better to stay unmarried, just as I am. But if they can’t control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It’s better to marry than to burn with lust.” In other words, if a relationship is solely based on sex, the outward appearance of one’s mate and/or the amount of money or gifts one can receive, that relationship will not last.  It is unclean and will not have an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ. Final Thoughts My friends don’t fall for any and everything a person says he or she will do. Instead, seek and ask God for guidance. Don’t mope because you don’t have a valentine. Instead, praise God for the season you are currently in because when your Queen or Prince Charming comes more responsibilities will too. Always be true, trust and believe. Even though the journey can be tedious remember God will never put more on you than you can bear. Do you like what you’ve read?  Share what you’ve received. I look forward to your comments below.

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