
5 Eye-Opening Lessons That Will Help You See Through the Lens of God

Hello beautiful people!  Wow! I can’t believe I’m back. It has almost been three months since my last post, “R E S T : What Does It Mean?”  I guess you all are thinking, “It’s about time! What in the world have you been up to?” Well my friends, to be honest, I’ve been running. No, not physically, but from God’s calling in my life.  I allowed my emotions, life obstacles and distractions take control of my actions, which deteriorated me from being transparent with you all and sharing what was truly going on during that time of my life.  For that, I truly do apologize and pray you stay to read more.  Although this season isn’t quite over, I can finally say I am now able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. During my unannounced sabbatical, God provided me with five eye-opening life lessons that taught me how to see over my current issue and into His bigger picture. Today, I would like to share those lessons with you in hopes that they help you do the same. 1. Love yourself for you, not for man’s approval. At the end of the day the only body you can sleep in is your own,. Not your best friend, close friend or frenemy– just you. So, instead of disliking yourself, begin to embrace yourself and love you for who God has called you to be, not man. Don’t compare yourself to others. God’s got you right were He wants you.  2. Do you recall wanting to know God’s purpose for you here on Earth? You were so ready to receive an assignment from Him you would practically do anything to get His attention. I remember praying profusely to receive a prophetic word on His purpose for me and when I finally received it I was ecstatic. However, as I began to move forward with the assignment, distractions would come. One being the thought of me not having enough knowledge and tools to get started. Now, from the eyes of man that may be true, but God had to remind me that He’s able to do things exceedingly, abundantly and above ALL that I could ever ask or think of. So, although my flesh was seeing things from a negative perspective, I made the choice to be grateful with what I had, and know God would bless me with more. I believe Zechariah chapter 4 verse 10 explains this lesson best . It states, “ Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin”.   3. For those of you who do not know, I’ve been blogging for three years. My first blog was “Christians in College,” which led to “REFRESH Magazine” and now I’m here on “My Journey to REFRESH”. During these transitions I experienced severe doubt. I would doubt that my work was not good enough and people wouldn’t read it. I would become jealous of social media because every bloggers’  life looked so perfect. I even got to a point where I wouldn’t even partake in posting anything because I felt my life was uninteresting. During my sabbatical, one night I attended an entrepreneurial workshop. While there, I shared with the host my problem and she informed me I shouldn’t stop what I’ve  been called to do just because I had not seen any results. Talk about a wake up call! She then stated not everyone would admit they’re going through what I post about. She suggested instead of my focus relying  on numbers, 👍 or 🧡 , it should always remain on what God originally told me to do and how He in all would receive the glory. I will admit this lesson has been a tough cookie to swallow and I’m still digesting it. Nevertheless, it has taught me how to conquer my fears which leads  to my next lesson.   4. This summer, I was given the opportunity to travel to Mexico to spend time with my extended family and bring in my birthday. In fact , on the day of my birthday, I took a huge risk and did something I NEVER thought I would do. I went snorkeling! Did I mention, I did not know how to swim?! That entire experience is a story in itself, but to keep it short, I was reminded to  cherish every moment of my life, be adventurous and have fun. God allowed me to step out of me comfort zone,  fight my fears and conquer them.  5. Overall, the major lesson I received in this season was, it is impossible to avoid trials, so I must learn to be at peace with them and rejoice because they will not last forever. I believe John 16 verse 33 explains this lesson the best. For the Lord says, “In this world we will have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.” Our Father knows our problems, he sees the obstacles we face, he knows the emotions that drag along with these situations. I guess you are now wondering, “If he sees these things, why must we go through them” ? Well my friends, His son, Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. He laid down His life for each and every one of us and took on every single one of our sins in order for us to be free. Since, Jesus experienced such horrific trial, we must go through them as well. Although this season has not been easy I’ve learned to become joyful and continue to praise because I know this too shall pass. Before you go… Did you learn a thing or two from the lessons shared in this post? If so, what were they? What are some lessons you plan to incorporate in your life the next time you experience a trial?  Let me know in the comments below.

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R E S T: What does it mean?

Do you know what it means to truly rest? Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and find out below! Happy Monday and Memorial Day beautiful people! I know I’ve been M. I. A for the past few weeks in posting but wait, I’m not sure about you, but May for me has been full of family graduations. Kicking off the first week of the month, one of my cousins graduated from Howard University. Followed by another cousin of mine graduating from Westlake High School. Oh and how can I forget, last week wrapped up the end of the 2018-2019 academic school year. (S/O to my teachers! We did it!😊) After a series of events, I felt the need to rest, which brings me to the discussion of today’s post. Take a moment, gather your thoughts and share your comments below. When you think of the word rest, what comes to mind? A.) Sleep B.) Meditation C.)Woosah D.) Not Going to Happen If your response was A, B, or C, that’s great! However, if your response was D, no need to be bashful, you’re not alone. For the longest, my personal response was D.) Not Going to Happen. You see, it’s not that I didn’t want to rest, I simply felt because of the many tasks I needed to complete, there was no way I was going to be able to rest. Believe it or not, it wasn’t until last week, during a prayer session with my best friend Maya, God revealed to me the true definition of real rest and the importance of it. The Definition of REST In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word rest is defined in four entries. One being to repose, another beginning to cease from action. However, the definition that stood out to me was entry one number four which states, rest is a piece of mind or spirit. Hmmm… a piece of mind. It’s something we all claim to have, but let’s be honest, at times we can get besides ourselves. As for myself, that’s exactly what God was revealing to me. He wanted me to sit down and get a piece of mind. Instead of worrying about my finances, my future and the next route to take, He wanted me to hand Him my worries and simply let go of all my anxieties, truly believe and trust in Him. Final Thoughts Alright so let’s be frank, what you’re reading is probably easier said than done right? Nevertheless, God has given you free will and it’s your choice to make the decision. As my Pastor Cornelious mentioned yesterday, it’s time to make up your mind. To help you get started to meditate on John 16:33. I pray it blesses you as it did me! Grace and peace!

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God vs. Your Ego

Do you have a big ego?? Be honest. 😉 I’ll admit, at times I can definitely have one. But, I mean really who doesn’t? We’ve all had a time or two when we want situations to go our way. It’s either our way or no way at all. Can I get an amen?? But what happens when our situations don’t turn out the way we plan them? We put a lot of effort in them only to see them fail. Worst thing is we blame God for our mishaps. It has taken me a minute, but I’ve finally come to the realization of who’s truly in charge of our plans. When you think about it, who’s really making the load heavy? Is it God or your ego? Well my friends I’m here to tell you that God is in charge of it all. We might make plans or come up with a list of things we want to take place in our lives, but unless it is Godly driven it’s not going to happen. By crying out to the Lord and giving Him your heart’s desire YOU WILL SUCCEED — but do know it more than likely won’t be on the time you have set on your Google calendar. It will be the time God has for you and trust God’s timing is the best, even though it doesn’t seem like it sometimes. Every step and move you make God knows about it  and is aware of what you are trying to do. Remember, He created you so He knows what is best for you. This is exactly why He determines our steps to lead us in the right path. You might want to move forward, but maybe God wants you to stay were you are until He knows you are ready to proceed. For example, after I graduated from college, I wanted to move to New York and start my career as a professional journalist. Instead, after college, I found myself back in Atlanta job hunting. Not much of a big break huh? But, was I worried? Not at all because I knew God had a plan solely for me. So instead of moping around I would get up every morning to seek, search and ask God what was next on my agenda. Before I knew it God moved and a plethora of blessing began to flow my way. From internships, interviews and a new job. So my friends just remember that God is the decision maker in your life and He knows what’s best. You might have that professor who you just can’t stand, but you never know that professor could be the person you have to create a mutual relationship with because you need the “A” or “B” to graduate. You might be in a situation similar as mine and don’t know what to do, but hear me when I say give it to God and He’ll lead the way because He has a path set just for you.

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Your Time is NOW!

Have you ever found yourself waiting on God’s appointed time to begin the assignment He’s placed on your life? Possibly He’s shared with you a vision or placed in your night slumber a beautiful dream. It’s at that moment you feel honored and appreciated that He would assign you with such gracious assignment. You know what He has placed in your heart is out of your league and  in order  to complete it you need to trust Him wholeheartedly. Given such powerful vision from Almighty Himself ,you start off strong, however you began to back up when pressure comes your way. Can you relate? I know I can. Flash back three years ago to my senior year in college and what’s stated above describes my reaction to God’s calling in my life to the T. “People of God are in a very dark state,” are the exact words God spoke to me one night during my senior year in college after hearing a group of girls chatting outside of my dorm. One of the girls made the statement “We’ve got to stop sinning.” Her friend’s response was, “But I like it.” Immediately when I heard the friend’s response I was taken aback. “What does she mean she likes sin?” I thought to myself. However I was reminded shortly after that I hadn’t always been righteous and holy myself. To be honest, the week before I had rededicated my life to Christ, so I had no room to judge. From that moment on I knew God had given me an assignment and it was my job to gear young adults and milliennials to Christ. In January 2016 Christians in College was established which begin my journey to REFRESH. During that time in my life, I was so amped-up that God had chosen me to minister to His people. However, I was not aware of the trials and tribulations that would follow after fully surrendering myself to Him and taken on the challenge to complete the task. Until this day I continue to ask God for strength to carry out the mission He’s assigned me. Although my flesh wants to give up and go back to the way things were once before, I am now aware that God knows best. Final thoughts So, beautiful people if you believe God has assigned you with a great work to complete I want you to know your time to get started is NOW! Whether that be starting a blog, working on a book or ministering to a friend, our Father is waiting on US to move. You see, He’s already paid the price by sacrificing His son Jesus. In fact, He’s already completed OUR TASK for us believe it or not. All we have to do to see Him manifest and move in our lives is take action. It’s time we let go of our feelings of fear, thoughts of worry and simply walk by faith. Yes, it’s easier said than done (trust me I know😉 ), but it is not impossible. My beautiful people comment below what you believe God has assigned you to do this season. Since this topic is very dear to my heart I am willing to touch and agree with you in prayer.

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The Uncomfortable Truth

Your biggest prayers, he knows. The thoughts you speak aloud, God’s dreams and ambitions you share aloud, he knows. Your fears, your anxieties, your pains, he knows. Instead of helping you, he wants to harm you. He wants to attack you and all his conniving ways. He is NOT your friend, but your WORST enemy. Crazy thing is his outer appearance looks to be golden, but do not be fooled, for all he wants to do is kill, steal and destroy. Who am I referring to? As if you didn’t know: Satan of course. Last week, I shared with you a quick cure to demolish your weaknesses by using the powerful scripture in 2 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 5. If you haven’t read it check it out here! This week I would like to share with you the power of your tongue and how you can use it anytime to stop the enemy in his tracks. However, before I get into that, I have a confession to make: I dropped the ball… I promise you it wasn’t done intentionally, nevertheless, I should have known that test were on the way. You see, I currently work in the educational field which requires me to work with a lot of children day in and day out, specifically first graders. From the outside looking in, one might believe that a teaching job is a pretty simple task, however I beg to differ. Each child is very different and their personalities are continuously growing and maturing. To be frank, you never know what to expect in a days work because every day is different. Now, it was just week before last I was acknowledged on my accomplishments in the classroom in regards to class management. To receive such wonderful news I was ecstatic. So, when last week came along I was ready to carry out the same hardships just as I had done the week before. However, my ideal week did not turn out as I had wonderfully planned. Kicking off the week, I missed counted a set of students and was confronted about it. Although I was confronted in a calm, nice manner I couldn’t help but mentally question myself, “Erica, haven’t you been down this road before? When will you get it right?” Midweek, I was given a task to test a set of students and was confronted of how my management could have been a bit firmer. Immediately, questions began to arise again, “Come on Erica, what’s wrong with you? You can’t manage six little first graders?” Prior to that incident, information had been sitting on my desk to hand to the lead teacher. When I had finally turned it in, I was informed that the information given was very important and it could cause huge trouble since it had not been turned in on time. By the end of the week I found myself at wits end ready to throw in the towel. My emotions had taken control and my thoughts were once again moving a mile a minute questioning all of my actions. After wallowing in pity and sadness, a still, small voice came to me reminding me, “Do not be afraid for I am with you.” Alongside that revelation, Abba Father reminded me that I am still growing and although my spirit is willing to move, my flesh is not. Which is why it is important to renew the mind daily, so when issues arise you’ll know how to manage them, not logically, but spiritually. Final Thoughts: As you carry out this journey known as life always remember the devil IS NOT your friend! DO NOT give into his set ups, no matter how “comfortable” they may seem. Comfort is the antithesis of growth. Sometimes you have to get uncomfortable in order for God to really move in your life. Declare Matthew 10:16 daily and remember that God is sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be as wise as serpents, and innocent, as doves [have no self-serving agenda]. God has a great plan in store for you, but the missions will not always be easy. Do not fret though because He is and will always be with you. Keep in mind testy missions ARE NOT set to harm you, but make you stronger and help you grow. So, my word for you today is to never sweat the small stuff. Remember that WE have the POWER and AUTHORITY over the devil and by simply smiling in his face when he is attempting to harm US in any way he will flee! Always remember that “with God ALL THINGS are possible.” (Matthew 9:16) and He is ALWAYS with you.

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