
Waddling in Weeds: My Life Changing Story

“I know you don’t smoke weed, I know this, but I’m gonna get you high today, ’cause it’s Friday; you ain’t got no job… and you ain’t got nothin’ to do.”-Smokey from Friday If you’re a 90s movie fan, I’m sure you remember the iconic line above. I know I did because in 2012 it was the EXACT line that played in my mind right before I inhaled my first joint. Thirty minutes later, I was in the cafe whispering my order to the food server perplexed because of the activity I’d just participated in. To make matters worst, “Love” by Kirk Franklin was the song of choice playing in the background. Talk about awkward. Nevertheless, as time moved on, I became comfortable with my mischievous way of living. I was FINALLY a part of the “in” crowd.  But, just like everything in life, that time in my life had to come to an end once I said yes to God. Now, did that transformation happen overnight? Not at all because when I made that clear consequence decision years later to follow God wholeheartedly, the devil came to deter me from  God’s plan. And in all honesty, I fell right into his trap. Old habits and doubtful thoughts came to mind right after God provided me with new revelations.  It took some time but sure enough, once I realized the enemy’s devious plan, I began to fight back. Now let’s talk about you… Have you been there before? Are you there now? If so, I want you to know you’re not alone. I’d gotten to a point in life where I was ready to slice off ears and walk on water just like Peter did for Jesus. However, I wasn’t aware of the battles I’d face once I said, yes to God. I didn’t know I’d experience spiritual and physical attacks by simply declaring the name of Jesus. Even now, life is NOT AT ALL what I expected it to be but one thing is for sure, God has matured me. And I know if He has matured me He is doing the same for you! You see, that is why it is important to remember the authority God has given you once you say, Yes. Jesus explains to us in Luke 10 verse 19 that He has provided us with  AUTHORITY over every and any scheme attempted by the enemy.  This means anything the enemy tries to push towards you, you have the authority to push it back and declare “NOT TODAY SATAN.” Now, don’t get it twisted, the enemy is conniving and very deceitful, so he’s not going to leave without a fight. Your emotions,  thoughts, and feelings will try to sike you out, and if you’re not careful they’ll win. However, as daughters of the most high, our Father has blessed us with a source so strong known as the Holy Spirit. By partnering with the Holy Spirit the devil has NO power over you.   So, as you continue to run this race with God I want you to know life will not always be easy, but with God He’ll make all things possible. Remember it’s the come up season, He has great things in store.   Hi friend! Did you enjoy this message? Comment below your main takeaway and how you plan to implement it in this season. I’d love to hear from you! Also, are you ready to take your relationship to the next level with God click here to get started!        

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The Come Up Season

In 2014, one Sunday morning, my life changed forever. I was 21, single, heartbroken, and filled with daddy wounds.  Yet, I wanted to be free. I didn’t want to spend another minute carrying traumas, past hurt, and stale relationships. I wanted to heal and the ONLY way I knew I could do so was if I gave myself away. So, I stood up with tears strolling down my face and stumbled my way to the altar. It was there I surrendered my life back to Christ. Seven years later, I’m still pushing forward. But this time, Jesus Christ is leading the way. Now, I wish I could tell you this journey has been smooth sailing with no issues at all, but I cannot.  Life is still taking place with its crazy twist and turns, however, since I made the conscious decision to connect with God, my load is a lot lighter.   Back in the day… During the end of my junior year in college, God began to move and uproot people out of my life that was detrimental to my soul. Physically, it was a hard process because when I love, I love hard. However, God knew what He was doing and provided me with clear signs as to why certain relationships didn’t work out.   It wasn’t long after they left, God began to work in me and have me want nothing but Him.  By going through that experience, I finally decided to move forward and take God seriously. In return, He made room for new people to enter into my life who uplifted and encouraged me in my flaws and all. He allowed me to seek His Word for myself and truly discover His plan and purpose for my life. If you are on the fence about your relationship with God, yet you feel an urge to take it to the next level you are likely experiencing the come-up season. It’s Time to Come Up, Sis  Simply put, the come-up season is a moment in your life when you make the conscious decision to take God seriously. No longer do you want to sit on the sidelines and see everyone get blessed around you, but you want to become a part of the family. You want to see and find out what ALL the hype is about and why so many people believe, trust, and follow Him. I will say this decision is life-changing and will cause a huge shift in your life. Nevertheless, if you are ready to move deeper in Christ and see ALL He has for you, take on this season wholeheartedly because your breakthrough will come. Below are four things you can do to move forward during your come up season: Surrender Yourself to God By surrendering your life to God you make the bold decision to believe and state aloud that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose again on the third day. Romans  10:9-10 Seek God for Yourself If you’re like me and grew up in the church, it is very easy to become complacent with God. It is easy to follow set routines and patterns. Nevertheless, as you grow, He wants you to step out of normality and flow with HIm. This means it’s time to take things a little further and seek God for yourself. Write out things you don’t understand in the Bible. Cry out to God what is hurting your heart. As you begin to open up to Him He will pour out His love to you!   Connect with like-minded people As you began to grow in Christ allow Him to connect you with like-minded people. Ask Him to bring people in your life who will accept you for who you are and not judge you by your past.  Give Yourself Grace You’ve made a HUGE decision to follow God. But, let’s be honest– our flesh is weak and we are human. So, mistakes will happen. Issues will arise and doubt will come, but our God is STILL faithful and He cares for us. That is why it is important to give yourself grace because God gives you grace.  This process is no stroll in the park, but if you truly give your ALL to God I promise you HE will not fail you. Hi friend! Did you enjoy this message? Comment below your main takeaway and how you plan to implement it in this season. I’d love to hear from you! Also, are you ready to take your relationship to the next level with God click here to get started!  

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The Grace Strategy Needed to Finish What You Started

Do you often question God? Does the thought “Why me?” come to mind more than once? Guilt! I know I have and I want you to know you’re not alone if you have to. For years, I moved around in cycles questioning God: “When will I get out of this rut?” ” What’s wrong with me?”  “Why Me Lord?” When life wasn’t going the way I hoped, I created a mountain out of a molehill. I doubted myself, downgraded my call, and spoke death on the very Word God gave me. Only to discover–I was my own holdup! It wasn’t until I was at my lowest peek in life when I saw God continuously move on my behalf. It helped me to realize He wanted me to succeed and see my SOUL prosper. In this post, I will share with you four ways you can stop blaming Him for your problems and discover how to give yourself the grace needed to finish what you started! The Grace Strategy 1.) Highlight Your Weaknesses Highlight areas in your life when you start to feel negative, write them down, and be honest with yourself. Prime example you may feel a  hint of jealously when you stroll on a social media site or when you FINALLY start the assignment God placed in your heart to complete NOBODY seems to care. The enemy loves for us to get into our emotions, waddle in sadness, and –let’s talk about it OVERTHINK! Nevertheless, God our Father never graced us with fear, but with LOVE, JOY, and a SOUND mind and He wants you to be honest and open with Him   2.) Believe It’s time to believe. It’s important that you take out those old notes, review your vision board, look at your list of goals, sit down, and have a little chat with Jesus. During this segment DO NOT question if this motive will work or what’s the purpose. If you do, that will plant doubt in your mind. Instead, TRUST God will sustain you and provide you with the tools you need to succeed. All you need to do is believe.   3.) Give Yourself Grace It’s obvious, but still should be recognized, when finishing what you started it’s important to give yourself grace. You and I both know we are NOT perfect and we NEVER will be. God created us and He’s aware of our flaws. He knows when we make mistakes. Yet, He’s given us the stability and strength to get back up again.   4.) Spend With God Set time aside to spend with God. Think about all the time you have in the day and what you do with it. You make have classes you take throughout the day or a 9 to 5 job. Whatever your case may be carve out some time with God. By doing so, you are able to step away from your flesh and step into your spiritual being. God has sooo much He wants to reveal to you. He wants to see you flourish. However, you must be willing to take on the grace strategy to finish what you’ve started. And, my friend if you’ve made it to the end of this post I truly believe you can do so! Hey sis, do like what you’ve read? What was your greatest takeaway? I can’t wait to read your comments below!

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How To Stay Positive & Move Forward With God in 2020

Are you ready to receive a clearer vision and a firmer mindset? Unpack the three easy steps needed to stay positive and move forward with God in 2020! Okay, so is it just me or do you think 2019 is flying by way too fast? Can I be honest? I’m still working on my New Year resolutions for this year and I am sure you are too. (Don’t front 😏) Hey, I know it can be a downer when you look back at the goals you set for yourself only to see one or two accomplished. It can hurt to see how people around you are living out their dreams, but you are on the sideline, slightly, jealous because you have not received your BIG break. I want you to know you are not alone. 2020 is only eight days away, which means you still have time to finish what you’ve begun. I want you to know you are not alone and help is on the way! I promise you will receive a clearer vision and firmer mindset of what is to come as we unpack the three easy steps for you to stay positive and move forward with God in 2020! So grab a pen and paper and let’s start the show. HOW TO STAY POSITIVE & MOVE FORWARD WITH GOD IN 2020 Overall I hope this video has been uplifting and inspiring for you to gain more guidance and power to step into 2020 with purpose and provision. We’ll continue to focus on thinking positive and moving forward in the posts to come because it is imperative to carry out what Abba has called us to do while being about His business. Question of the day: What is the number one tip that has been the hardest for you to grasp in order to move forward to the next level God has for you? Share in the comments below, so we can touch and agree that fear will be no more. Until next time, Erica

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