
Revelation: A Season of Activation

Are you ready to move forward? Do you sense in your spirit it’s time to move, but you’re not sure how? Well, I’m here to share with you my sister in Christ your time is now! During my most recent quiet session with Abba, I found myself very vulnerable with Father God. Unlike many mornings where I simply praise Him and thank Him for His goodness, that particular morning  I cried out to HIm and questioned Him about my life, my career, and my spiritual assignment. Lying on the carpet with tears flowing down my face, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Abba when will this struggle end? What can I do to make this process run smoother? How can I move forward when I’m not sure what to do?” Have you been there before?  Can you relate? As those thoughts flowed through my mind and finally subdued, a sudden peace began to flow through my body. He was there. I could sense His presence in the room and I knew He could hear my cry. So, I waited. Suddenly, a still small voice came to me and Abba revealed His revelation.   Revelation: A Season of Activation Arise and get up! Your season of strategy is over! I have placed you in a season of gardening and activation. This season calls for hard work, but know I WILL be with you and coach you in each step.  I am aware that you feel unprepared, unequipped, and unqualified, but I am here to tell you that you are.  My daughter, you are ready! Bring all of the materials you have and I will do the multiplying.  Remember I have a plan for you and this plan is good. It’s set to give you a good future and a good hope. So, you have no need to worry. I just say it’s time to move. Structure and guidance will be established as you take action.   My Response and Your Call to Action After receiving such divine revelation my tears of sadness turned to tears of joy. My exact prayer had been answered and now I was aware of what I needed to do. Now, longer could I sit back and wonder, “Abba what should I do now?” It was time for me to take action and I encourage you to do the same!   The Gift of Authority Can I be honest with you? For so long we’ve catered to our flesh. We’ve allowed it to take control over our lives forgetting that Abba gave us back the authority we once had when he died on the cross for our sins and rose again.  In fact, that was His sole purpose for coming to Earth, for us to have life and have it more abundantly.    Unfortunately, because of the corrupt world we live in, at times, we feel like we are stuck and there is no way out. But, I am here today to share with you woman of God, you are free and God has given you authority!   So, take hold of that authority, receive the revelation, and move forward with what God has called you to do! The ball is now in your court. It’s time for you to take action!  Hey love! Did you enjoy the revelation? Do you receive it? I can’t wait to read your greatest takeaway in the comments below! Also, if you’re still hesitant about moving forward click here and let’s connect!    

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How to Demolish Your Weaknesses

Do you ever find yourself sinking into depression, worry, or anxiety? Don’t let it override you. Find out how to demolish your weakness today! Thinking. It’s something we do daily.  However, do you ever find yourself overthinking?  Confession: I’ll be straight forward and say I do. It’s nothing I’m proud of, but I just can’t help but wonder how I’ll complete a task, get better at something if I’m continuously struggling, or change if I continue to have mishaps and mess-ups? By the end of the day, I find myself sinking into depression, worry, and anxiety. Trust me, it’s not a beautiful feeling at ALL, but it’s during those mind-shifts a still, small voice overpower my questions. Whether it be through pictures, a friend’s phone call or a scripture, God always meets me when I’m in despair. He continuously reminds me: Before I would simply repeat the steps above. I’d question my life, fall into a feeling of funk and have God fish me out. However, it has recently come to my attention that there is an easier way to conquer my thoughts. In fact, Apostle Paul explains how to do so in 2 Corinthians 10:5: 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.   In this verse, Paul informs readers How to Demolish Your Weaknesses Take all thoughts that cross our mind (positive or negative) to God. It is during this step He will reveal to you what is of Him and what is not. After receiving revelation, it is important to denounce the lies that have crossed your mind, Followed by explaining why they are lies and then speaking the truth and God’s great promises. over your life Although these steps can be easier said than done, it is far from impossible. This week, my challenge for you is to confess your weakness. It could be overthinking as mine is, pride, etc. Followed by your confession find a way to combat this problem area in your life using the steps above and watch how our Father moves! Next week, I will share with you the power of your tongue and how you can use it anytime to stop the enemy in his tracks. As always feel free to comment or share your thoughts below. God Bless!

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18 Lessons I Learned in 2018 Part 2

Good evening beautiful people. I’m back with the second installment of 18 Lessons I Learned in 2018.  If you are just tuning in to these lessons check out the first installment here! In this session, the topics of authority, spiritual warfare and growth are discussed. In the audio segment, my best friend Maya shares her thoughts as well of these various topics. Enjoy! 6.) Spiritual warfare is real. I cannot express myself enough when I tell you SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS REAL! When I tell you the devil is NOT your friend trust and believe I tell you no lie. For he prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8  and that someone is you and me! You see, the enemy is simply all talk, but NO action. The only way he receives power is if it is willingly give it to him and believe it or not sometimes we do. I know I have, specifically with my mind. Distracted by his convincing tactics and seductive words, for a season in my life in 2018, I placed my trust in man. Exactly what our Father tells us we should not do in Isaiah 2:22. Instead of looking into the Word of God for myself, I found myself looking for man’s approval and only receiving the Word by man. Talk about scary, because crazy thing is I didn’t notice what I had been doing until God snatched me out of it. In all honesty even in this new year, some days I find myself slipping into my thoughts. However, unlike before, I now know how to fight back with the Word of God when the enemy attempts to sneak in. I first start of with Romans 12:2 by renewing my mind, followed by 2 Corinthians 10:5. It is during this time I am reminded in verses four and five that the weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  For God has given US authority to cast down every naysayer and presumption that is against  our knowledge of Him and check this we can take charge of EVERY THING to make it obedient to Christ. Which brings me onto my fifth lesson, the power of authority. 5.) You have authority. Last summer, I attended the 2018 GraceLife Conference in Atlanta, hosted by Pastor Creflo Dollar of World Changers Church International.During the five day conference, God revealed to me new revelation that was out of this world MIND BLOWING! Scriptures which I knew of, showcased itself in a whole new light. No longer did I see the Bible as simple words from the past, but “living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12 )“ By stepping out of my comfort zone, my walk with Christ shifted. With a deeper understanding of the crucifixion of Jesus placed inside of my heart, and knowingly aware that His Spirit lived inside of me, it was then more of my faith was tapped into. My beliefs in God enhanced and my knowledge in authority did as well. Simply put, my voice spoke power when reading the Word and with such boldness and firm belief, God’s Word began to manifest and take action. But again it did not happen until I changed my previous ways of reading His word. Keep in mind, NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). 7.) You grow from problems. My my growing pains are the worst but, my God am I grateful for them. Simply without them I wouldn’t be able to showcase to you my growing testimony. We all go through trials and tribulations, but as I continue to mature in Christ instead of looking at my problem as a problem I now switch my perspective and place my focus on God’s promises. For I now know : Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). Well that is all for this segment. Be sure to check out the third installment next Monday on 18 Lessons I Learned in 2018! God Bless!

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