Do you ever wonder about the day of the Lord?
Often times I do. I wonder how it will be. Will it be sunny on that day? Rainy? Cloudy? Will people lollygag around or be aware that something is not quite right?
Most importantly where will I be? Will I be amongst the people here on Earth or will I fly through the sky with my precious Father to a place no man has ever seen physically.
I wonder…
Are you aware of where you will be? Daily, you hear the voice of a preacher, lyrics to a song or see a message (similar to this one) encouraging you to get it right. Although it sounds like a broken record, it is true.
Where will your soul and spirit rest once your time is complete here on Earth?
At this very moment, I urge you to gather yourself together and seek the Lord wholeheartedly before His anger comes upon you. (Zephaniah 2:1-3)
Bottom Line:
Our lives are not promised. One second we could be here and the next we could be gone. Heaven and hell are real. Where will you reside?
Make your DECISION today and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior!
You don’t need to stand in front of an altar or have someone place their hand on you. Simply…
Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
That’s it!