Ladies, It’s Okay to be Single

Ladies welcome to the Real Talk Relationship Series! 

This month, our focus is all about relationships. I know just by reading that word, many of you are cringing, but wait–before you hop to another link,  I promise you have no need to fear. We’re here to help! And what better way to jumpstart this series than from a male’s perspective. 

Yes, you’ve read right! A man’s view. 😉 

So, if any men are reading, this message is for you too! 

In this  Real Talk episode, I sit down with my college friend Alton Hall.  During our chat, Alton expounds on the crazy roadblocks in relationships and provides great tips on how to help you understand your emotions in order to find love within yourself!

It’s all about being single and lovin’ it!

Ladies, It’s Okay to Be Single!

Catch up on other relationship stories here:

Alton believes his purpose on Earth has always been to give love through acknowledgment. 

“I try my best to communicate with everyone on an individual level and I find people deeply appreciate it when you recognize greatness in them,” Alton said. “In uplifting others, I myself am truly lifted. I’m forever learning and that can wear you out if given from an empty place. So, I must be able to give with intention and through individual reflection. That is my source that never runs dry.” 

To find more about Alton connect with him:

Facebook: Alton D. Hall

Instagram: @hallson

Twitter: @altonhall

Hey beautiful people! Enjoy what you’ve watched? Share in the comment section below what stood out to you the most and what you took away. Can’t wait to here your response!

2 thoughts on “Ladies, It’s Okay to be Single”

  1. Wwwoooowww, excellent video… I enjoyed all 40plus mins … Lotta of great nuggets and laughs in there, God bless you guys

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