
Did you know Abba Father speaks in various ways?

He speaks through visions, dreams, and people- just to name a few.

During my journey with Him, I receive new revelations often and I’d like to share them with you!

Here is a list of all of the revelations I’ve received on this blog. If you believe one stands out to you, declare and decree it is yours because IT IS!

God’s Word never goes out void!

Revelation: Daughter, Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Recently, during my quiet time with the Lord,  He spoke to me and said, “Daughter, let your voice be heard!”  It stirred my spirit, and I know it’s meant to stir yours too. If you’ve been feeling restless, unsure, but ready for more, this word is for you. And the Lord Says, “Daughter, Let Your Voice Be Heard!” There are no limitations. I give you permission to step out of the box. Take off the training wheels and get ready to soar. Your mindset is shifting, and your old habits are no more. I dwell in you, and I want you to remember that always. Abide in Me as I abide in you (John 15:4). Things that are to come may look uncertain or different from what you are used to, but I want you to know that I am here, leading and guiding your every step. You will not fail. Walk with the authority I have given you! The season you’ve asked Me for has arrived. Your time is NOW!  Your moment is here! Take hold of what I have graced you with and hold on to it tightly. Remember, your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). But I, El Shaddai, have placed within you a power so strong that it fights back with righteous anger, for it is connected to its heavenly source—the Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you” (John 14:26). Do not fear what I will show you in the days to come. Instead, rejoice, for I have already provided all you need.   Hi friend! Did this revelation speak to you? Comment below your main takeaway and how you plan to act on this word in this quarter of the year! I’d love to hear from you!

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Revelation: Move, It’s Time!

Earlier this month, in the wee hours of the morning, 4 a.m. to be exact, God woke me up and began to speak. Move! It’s time. Operate according to the Spirit of the Lord. Those were the first words He shared with me. Startled by His voice, instead of grabbing my phone as I usually would to write His word, I quickly grabbed my journal and began to write the words He had to say.  Sitting in His presence, God began to show me times in my life when I would start and stop. Visuals of myself getting excited about what He’d called me to do, but freezing when distractions would come my way. After revealing those scenes to me in the spirit He said, “No more holding back! For I have called you to move forward. The next word God spoke to me was:                                                                           Speak Up!   “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ For you shall go to all to whom I send you, And whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord. Jeremiah 1:7-8 (NKJV)    Now, although God spoke to me I believe this word is for his daughters at large.   Specifically women He has chosen, women whom He’s placed a mantle on their lives.  In this hour ladies,  God is calling us as His divine daughters to speak up and say what we see. Intercede on His behalf and share the good news to all. When the enemy comes with fiery darts in people who do not want to accept what we have to say or receive it, God tells us to “Not be afraid of their faces, for He is with us to deliver us from them.”  Yes, the enemy has a big mouth and minions to help him out. But our God is stronger, powerful, and ever so gracious. He blessed us with DOMINION (power, authority) over the enemy as soon as He kicked him out of Heaven and Jesus saw  the enemy fall like lightning. So, in short ladies, this means the enemy has already been defeated! (Isaiah 14:12-14, Luke 10:19) As the morning hour continued to grow, wide awake at this point, God continued to speak to me: “Stop playing in the safe zone,” He said. “ It’s time to move up and operate in whom I’ve called you to be.” Ladies if you didn’t know, God is ready to share with you great strategies and give you the answers to the prayers you’ve been praying for. He’s ready to give you divine increase financially, spiritually, and set you mentally free! You cannot afford to sit on the spirit of the living God. Thessalonians 5:19-22 (NKJV) says it clearly, “Do not quench the spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test ALL THINGS, hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” How is God speaking to you?  Do not count out His voice.  He is speaking and He has very much to say! Hey love, did Abba Father speak to you in this word? For clarification, what He had to say has been written in bold and red. If this Word blessed you in any way, please share in the comments below! I’d love to read! Blessings to you!

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Revelation: Daughter, Just Show Up

It was just last month, I sat on the patio of a cabin in North Carolina  staring out into the mountains. Once again I was having another coming to Jesus moment. The atmosphere was quiet. Real quiet. But, then again it was loud. Real loud. Flies buzzed. Crickets chirped. The sun shined and I waited. I waited for His presence, His voice, His instruction. Yet, I knew I had it. I had the confirmation I’d been seeking for, asking, and crying about. It was just time for me to move forward and take action. But how? Have you experienced the same dilemma? You’re aware of what God wants you to do, but afraid of how your outcome will be? So, in return you stall. You find excuses to get around the assignment God has given you. During my time of hesitation, I felt like prophet Jeremiah and thought: “Lord, I can’t speak for you, I’m too young! I’m not worthy. I don’t know enough Word and I haven’t read the whole Bible from cover to cover. Surely, Abba you can’t be talking to me.” Rambling on about my issues and why I felt I wasn’t qualified for His assignment, immediately I felt His presence. Abba’s Response: Right on queue, spiritually, I saw Abba. He smirked at me, shook His head, and responded similarly as He did to Jeremiah: “Don’t say I’m too young. My child this isn’t a request, it’s an order. You must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you.” Before I could find another reason to protest, Abba read my mind and continued. “Did you get that?” He asked. “I will do the job for you, I just need you step out of the way and allow me to move in you. I will give you ALL you need to write and speak, just trust in me.” The Revelation: Taking in a deep breathe, I meditated on the Word He’d given me. Within an manner of minutes, I couldn’t help but reverence in His presence and surrender my ALL to Him because I finally grasped the bigger picture. All I needed to do was show up and He would handle the rest. Talk about a major relief and sis, I want you to know that same revelation applies to you too! As you continue to move forward in the assignment God has given you know that you are  not alone. All Abba request of you is to show up and He’ll take it from there. The journeys we experience don’t have to be as gruesome as we make them, all we have to do is give them to Abba and allow Him to lead the way. Hey sis, did you enjoy what you read? Share with me your greatest takeaway in the comments below! I can’t wait to read it!

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Revelation: It’s Time to Revitalize Your Gift Sis

Welcome to April 2021 Ladies! While the world is slowly opening back up again I can’t help but think about the pandemic that took us ALL by surprise just one year ago. Last year around this time  I’m sure many of us were scrounging for toilet tissue, hand sanitizer, masks, and food. With COVID chronicles changing a mile a minute, when it first arrived on the scene I wasn’t sure what to do.  To wear a mask or not to wear a mask. To put on gloves or not to put on gloves. Those were my ongoing questions.  We began 2020, hugging family members, high-fiving friends and suddenly we were standing six feet away from them with Lysol and disinfecting wipes in hand.  Talk about a wake-up call. 🙂 What fascinated me the most was the fact it took a massive virus to attack Earth in order for us to sit still and find out what we needed the most. A new revelation. A fresh wind. A Word from Abba Father. I’m not sure about you but when our world shut down and we were forced to go under quarantine, I personally shut down too. I decided to put My Journey to Refresh on pause and went on a hiatus for four months.  During my break, I intentionally sought Abba through prayer, fasting, praise, and worship. After meeting with Him on a consistent basis sure enough I began to receive new revelations like never before and that’s what I would like to share with you tonight.   Revelation: It’s Time to Revitalize Your Gift Sis Since we have completed the first quarter of the year and received confirmation to take action I believe the Word Abba wants us to focus on now is: Re-vi-tal-ize The verb revitalize means to give life, vigor, or energy to something again. This is what I believe our Father has to say in Jesus Name:   My Word NEVER goes out void! This is your season of birthing. I’m preparing you for your calling, but it is not your time to come forth yet.  Gather your materials, practice your speech, but be slow to speak and share with others what I am revealing to you.  Remember you are right where I want you to be. Don’t rush the process just enjoy the journey.  Don’t be sidetrack by what you see others doing, but keep your focus on me.   What does it mean? Now, that you’ve read the revelation let’s break it down: Line 1- My Word NEVER goes out void! God’s word will never return to Him useless. It will complete its purpose and task.   Line 2- This is your season of birthing. I’m preparing you for your calling, but it is not your time to come forth yet. For many, this is a season of creating something new. For others, it is the season to ignite the task God has highlighted in your path time after time. During this season He requires you to work on it strategically. Map it out and plan, however, don’t launch it just yet. Nurture it and allow God to give you a set date to birth your spiritual baby.  Line 3- Gather your materials, practice your speech, but be slow to speak and share with others what I am revealing to you.  Gather all the tools He’s given you but be careful who you share your revelation with. It could alter your final results. Line 4-  Remember you are right where I want you to be. Don’t rush the process just enjoy the journey.  God has given you the permission to take action and move. Be sure not to become overwhelmed, instead enjoy the ride.  Line 5- Don’t be sidetrack by what you see others doing, but keep your focus on me. During this season you will see others accomplish goals and complete tasks, but don’t allow their success to discourage you. Instead, keep your focus on Him for He cares for you.   Ready, Set, Go! Last month focused on activation and moving forward with the gift God has given you. This month it’s all about revitalization. Since you’ve decided to take that step my challenge for you is to apply pressure and discover the new wind to your call.  You’d be surprised to see what Abba shares with you! I know I am! Hey! Did you enjoy this revelation? Does it resonate with you? If so, comment below your greatest takeaway!  I can’t wait to hear from you!

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Revelation: A Season of Activation

Are you ready to move forward? Do you sense in your spirit it’s time to move, but you’re not sure how? Well, I’m here to share with you my sister in Christ your time is now! During my most recent quiet session with Abba, I found myself very vulnerable with Father God. Unlike many mornings where I simply praise Him and thank Him for His goodness, that particular morning  I cried out to HIm and questioned Him about my life, my career, and my spiritual assignment. Lying on the carpet with tears flowing down my face, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Abba when will this struggle end? What can I do to make this process run smoother? How can I move forward when I’m not sure what to do?” Have you been there before?  Can you relate? As those thoughts flowed through my mind and finally subdued, a sudden peace began to flow through my body. He was there. I could sense His presence in the room and I knew He could hear my cry. So, I waited. Suddenly, a still small voice came to me and Abba revealed His revelation.   Revelation: A Season of Activation Arise and get up! Your season of strategy is over! I have placed you in a season of gardening and activation. This season calls for hard work, but know I WILL be with you and coach you in each step.  I am aware that you feel unprepared, unequipped, and unqualified, but I am here to tell you that you are.  My daughter, you are ready! Bring all of the materials you have and I will do the multiplying.  Remember I have a plan for you and this plan is good. It’s set to give you a good future and a good hope. So, you have no need to worry. I just say it’s time to move. Structure and guidance will be established as you take action.   My Response and Your Call to Action After receiving such divine revelation my tears of sadness turned to tears of joy. My exact prayer had been answered and now I was aware of what I needed to do. Now, longer could I sit back and wonder, “Abba what should I do now?” It was time for me to take action and I encourage you to do the same!   The Gift of Authority Can I be honest with you? For so long we’ve catered to our flesh. We’ve allowed it to take control over our lives forgetting that Abba gave us back the authority we once had when he died on the cross for our sins and rose again.  In fact, that was His sole purpose for coming to Earth, for us to have life and have it more abundantly.    Unfortunately, because of the corrupt world we live in, at times, we feel like we are stuck and there is no way out. But, I am here today to share with you woman of God, you are free and God has given you authority!   So, take hold of that authority, receive the revelation, and move forward with what God has called you to do! The ball is now in your court. It’s time for you to take action!  Hey love! Did you enjoy the revelation? Do you receive it? I can’t wait to read your greatest takeaway in the comments below! Also, if you’re still hesitant about moving forward click here and let’s connect!    

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