18 Lessons I Learned in 2018 Part 1
Happy New Year beautiful people! 2019 has finally arrived and boy am I excited to see what God has in store! Essentially what l had in mind before writing this post was to share with you great ways to set up obtainable new year’s resolutions. However, as I began to think about how I would structure my post, the year of 2018 flashed before my eyes and immediately I began to write. I couldn’t help, but recall ALL God had brought me through during that year and those seasons in my life. From losing loved ones to broken relationships to new friendships, I couldn’t help but give praise to our Father because once again He had done it again. This month, instead of provided you with new year’s resolutions, I would like to share with you eighteen lessons I learned in 2018. Every Monday in January, you will see four lessons learned and an audio recording of myself expressing my thoughts on each lesson. I pray you enjoy these sessions and that they are beneficial to what you may have experienced or what you maybe currently going through now. So, let’s get started! Below are the first four lessons I learned in 2018: 1.)With God all things are possible. This paramount phrase comes from the beloved scripture in Matthew 19 verse 26. You see in this passage Jesus explains to His disciples what believers must be willing to change/ give up in their lives in order to be in right standings with His Father before entering into the kingdom of heaven. After listing a plethora of things, Peter asks Jesus (in my own words of course) “Well, Jesus since people do these things on the regular, how can they be saved?” Jesus responds, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Wow! What a heartwarming statement. This lesson for me was life-changing, simply because this scripture revealed to me God’s true love for me. In all of my mishaps, mistakes, and mess-ups in 2018, God still had favor over my life. When people let me down, God was right there to pick me up. When my faith began to waver and I wanted to quick, God poured His life into me and whispered to me that I’d be okay and I’d make it through. You see, man can only do so much, but God truly held down the fort and for that, I can do nothing, but thank Him for bringing me through. 2.) Be careful who you allow in your circle. Last summer, my faith was tested big time in my relationships. Specifically with my family and friends. The friendship, which I thought was sent solely from God, turned out to be the total opposite. In all honesty, I had mistaken God’s voice as my own. During that season in my life, I found myself in a mind roller coaster, questioning a lot of things in Christ which I once was so sure of. I began to isolate myself from my dear loved ones all because of words received which was said to be from God. Prior to that friendship, I truly thought I had my life together and my relationship with God was solid. However, that theory turned out to be far from true. It was during that process of walking in wilderness, God revealed to me that I could never stop growing in Him, so I needed to stop trying. Although that season in my life was trying, God revealed to me more of who He’d called me to be and more of Him. He pushed me out of my comfort zone and thought me how to put my trust solely in Him and not in man. 3.) Love yourself, flaws and all. Big nose, big lips, crazy hair don’t care… ok ok I’m getting there lol. Do know this lesson is still a growing process, but God is helping me to love myself even more on a day to day basis. When I began to doubt myself or think negative on my past decisions, I am reminded that the Holy Spirit lives within me and with Him I am a new creature, for old things have passed away, while ALL THINGS has become new! (2 Corinthians 5:17) 4.) It’s okay not to be okay. In 2018, for as long I can remember I had this image engraved in my mind I had to be perfect 24/7. Where did the image come from? I’m not quite sure, just know it hindered me from being my true authentic self. It really wasn’t until 2018 that it dawned on me that it is okay NOT to be okay. I had to learn to cast my cares, worries, and sorrows to God even when they hurt, for in due time He would exalt me and raise me up while in despair. (1 Peter 5:6-7) Through close bonds with pastors, a praying mother, and caring friends God saw fit that I made it through! Alright, that’s all for part 1. Tune in next Monday for part 2 of 18 Lessons I Learned in 2018! Check out the audio version of part 1 below:
18 Lessons I Learned in 2018 Part 1 Read More »