18 Lessons I Learned in 2018 Part 1

Happy New Year beautiful people! 2019 has finally arrived and boy am I excited to see what God has in store! Essentially what l had in mind before writing this post was to share with you great ways to set up obtainable new year’s resolutions. However, as I began to think about how I would structure my post, the year of 2018 flashed before my eyes and immediately I began to write. I couldn’t help, but recall ALL God had brought me through during that year and those seasons in my life. From losing loved ones to broken relationships to new friendships, I couldn’t help but give praise to our Father because once again He had done it again. This month, instead of provided you with new year’s resolutions, I would like to share with you eighteen lessons I learned in 2018. Every Monday in January, you will see four lessons learned and an audio recording of myself expressing my thoughts on each lesson. I pray you enjoy these sessions and that they are beneficial to what you may have experienced or what you maybe currently going through now. So, let’s get started! Below are the first four lessons I learned in 2018: 1.)With God all things are possible. This paramount phrase comes from the beloved scripture in Matthew 19 verse 26.  You see in this passage Jesus explains to His disciples what believers must be willing to change/ give up in their lives in order to be in right standings with His Father before entering into the kingdom of heaven. After listing a plethora of things, Peter asks Jesus (in my own words of course) “Well, Jesus since people do these things on the regular, how can they be saved?” Jesus responds, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Wow! What a heartwarming statement. This lesson for me was life-changing, simply because this scripture revealed to me God’s true love for me. In all of my mishaps, mistakes, and mess-ups in 2018, God still had favor over my life. When people let me down, God was right there to pick me up. When my faith began to waver and I wanted to quick, God poured His life into me and whispered to me that I’d be okay and I’d make it through. You see, man can only do so much, but God truly held down the fort and for that, I can do nothing, but thank Him for bringing me through. 2.) Be careful who you allow in your circle. Last summer, my faith was tested big time in my relationships. Specifically with my family and friends. The friendship, which I thought was sent solely from God, turned out to be the total opposite. In all honesty, I had mistaken God’s voice as my own.  During that season in my life, I found myself in a mind roller coaster, questioning a lot of things in Christ which I once was so sure of. I began to isolate myself from my dear loved ones all because of words received which was said to be from God.  Prior to that friendship, I truly thought I had my life together and my relationship with God was solid. However, that theory turned out to be far from true. It was during that process of walking in wilderness, God revealed to me that I could never stop growing in Him, so I needed to stop trying. Although that season in my life was trying, God revealed to me more of who He’d called me to be and more of Him.  He pushed me out of my comfort zone and thought me how to put my trust solely in Him and not in man. 3.) Love yourself, flaws and all.   Big nose, big lips, crazy hair don’t care… ok ok I’m getting there lol. Do know this lesson is still a growing process, but God is helping me to love myself even more on a day to day basis. When I began to doubt myself or think negative on my past decisions, I am reminded that the Holy Spirit lives within me and with Him I am a new creature, for old things have passed away, while ALL THINGS has become new! (2 Corinthians 5:17) 4.) It’s okay not to be okay. In 2018,  for as long I can remember I had this image engraved in my mind I had to be perfect 24/7. Where did the image come from? I’m not quite sure, just know it hindered me from being my true authentic self. It really wasn’t until 2018 that it dawned on me that it is okay NOT to be okay. I had to learn to cast my cares, worries, and sorrows to God even when they hurt, for in due time He would exalt me and raise me up while in despair. (1 Peter 5:6-7) Through close bonds with pastors, a praying mother, and caring friends God saw fit that I made it through! Alright, that’s all for part 1. Tune in next Monday for part 2 of 18 Lessons I Learned in 2018! Check out the audio version of part 1 below:

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Accepting the Voice

The voice– a phenomenal instrument we carry as human beings. The Merriam- Webster dictionary defines the voice as the expiration of air with vocal cords drawn close so as to vibrate audibly. Although we are blessed with this unique source of sound, at times it can be hard to use, find, receive and accept. With Christmas only a few hours away, I can only imagine how Mary was feeling around this time as she prepared to conceive the Son of God. After hearing word from the angel Gabriel that she would give birth to him, instead of rejoicing, Mary was troubled and confused. However, the angel informed her not to be afraid for she had found favor with God (Luke 1:30) and His Holy Spirit would come upon her and His power of the Highest would overshadow her (Luke 1:35). Taking heed to what Gabriel said, Mary had to come to the realization that the true Son of God would be birthed by her. She had to receive what was being said to her in order for it to come to past. Although the message was beginning delivered to her by an angel, God was the voice behind the message.  By faith and true belief, Mary accepted the message that was brought to her attention and responded to Gabriel by saying, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” Mary’s response showcased true humility and obedience for the will of God. Have you been hearing a word or message from God that causes you to take action? What about a task or assignment that keeps coming to mind in regards to your destiny/ calling? Well, just as Gabriel informed Mary in Luke 1:37, with God nothing is impossible, it is time to take on the challenge and accept the voice. God will never lead you astray, even when the flesh begs to differ. Always remember that He has you and His voice dwells inside of you. Your only task is to receive that voice and God will do the rest.  

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What’s in Your Hands?

It’s wonderful how GOD speaks to us in the simplest ways and get our attention to move with HIM. We sometimes get frustrated in our situation and ask (beg) how long must we endure and when are things gonna change? We look up (as if God is in the ceiling) to say please change my situation. In one of my times of desperation,I cried out to God and He answered. Not in an audible voice but in a message. This message did not come from the depth of my heart but one that I heard and will share with you. The Message: God is always with you. You are not alone in any situation. Sometimes the things we go through are not there to hurt us(although it doesn’t feel real good at the time)the difficulties in our life forces us to Grow in HIM. We do not like difficulties and most times we are asking God to change our situation and His–What’s in your Hand? Remember Moses? (Exodus 3:17) Like most of us, he didn’t know what to do either. God was telling Moses how he was going to deliver His people out of the hand of the Egyptians and bring them out from that land to a land flowing with milk and honey. God told Moses he wanted him to go to Pharaoh and get the job done.Moses was stunned.He didn’t know what to do and wanted to negotiate how he was not the man for the job and no one will listen to him anyway. God didn’t hear none of that and by the time we get to Exodus 4:2 God is asking Moses, What is in your Hand? Moses said, “a rod”and God told him to throw it down and before his eyes that rod became a serpent at which Moses ran from it. (So much for bravery) God said to pick it up by the tail and when Moses did, it returned to a rod. God showed Moses that what he had in his hand was adequate and usable to do want is needed. What do you have in your hands as you’re crying to God. What is HE highlighting that you have to solve your situation? HE will help you.HE is so powerful. HE can change a stick into a serpent. Remember the woman in II Kings 4:1, she needed help badly, her husband died leaving a humongous debt and the bill collectors where coming to take her sons for payment. She cried out to Elisha what was she going to do? Have you ever been desperate for a solution, at your wits end trying to figure it out? Are you trusting HIM, listen,HE is giving you a solution,What’s in Your Hand? This is what Elisha said basically, he asked what hast thou in the house?What do you have? Do you think it’s too insignificant to matter? The lady said she didn’t have anything but a pot of oil.She was saying I don’t have anything to take care of the debt just a pot of oil. But don’t we say the same things as Moses and this lady? Are we full of fear and doubt that we cannot see What’s in our hand? I am no different than you I have struggled crying out also wondering where will my help come from. The help is in YOUR HAND. Ask GOD to highlight what you have.With HIM,it will change your situation. This is what the woman had to do. Elisha told her to borrow vessels from all her neighbors and when she did, they pour the oil from her vessel into all the ones she borrowed and had enough to pay her debt. God is not short in helping you, in guiding you; HE is delighted to assist you in getting what you need accomplished. God does not want order takers or robots. HE wants Sons & Daughters that are willing to invite HIM in their lives and let HIM lead them to green pastures. The man of God told the woman to sell the oil and pay the debt and live, her and her children. Praise God! About the Author: Clarence Hester is a pastor with Flaming Heart Ministries, who transforms lives with practical teachings from the Word of God. Through Flaming Hearts, his  goal is to renew the value of God in each person’s life, in each family and each community.

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A Sprinkle of Hope

Have you had your coming to Jesus moment yet? You know the time you decide you’re going to be “real” with God forreal forreal? Although you’ve already given your life to God by repeating the sinner’s prayer, you feel this sudden nudge in your body to announce to God you’re serious this time.  If you have, no worries—we all have… it’s just something we don’t always admit. Well I’ll be one to say it is okay, however don’t be shocked when you find yourself standing in the prayer line once again. How can you be so sure, you might ask? We’ll I’ve been there, done that and I was seeking for that t-shirt for a long time. However it wasn’t until later in my life God revealed to me I had to truly trust Him in order to receive real salvation. You see when it comes to salvation and truly submitting yourself to God what you’re doing is giving your ENTIRE LIFE to God.  Sounds easy right? Well for me it wasn’t and in all honesty I’m still learning and growing. I was just as Peter when he first met Jesus: suspicious, curious and willing. You see, when Peter first met Jesus in Luke 5:1-11, he was a simple fisherman trying to grab some fish for the evening. However, as the day turned into night, him and his crew was having no  luck, so I can only imagine He was a little aggravated and ready to call it a night. But, at that very moment, Jesus stepped on Peter’s (also known as Simon) boat and told him to let down his net for a catch. Now, although Peter did complain about not catching any fish all night, he still made the decision to let down his net. And, low and behold fish began swimming in their nets like crazy. So, much so they their own boat began to break! Astonished by what had just taking place in his eyes, Peter fell down to his knees and repenting that he was a sinful man and Jesus should have nothing to do with him. Now, let’s pause right there. When Peter made that statement I could agree with him 100%. Simply because pretty much every day of my life I slip up. I may think something negative or handle a situation in a non-fitting way. And usually like Peter, I find myself crying my eyes out telling God to have nothing to do with me because I am a sinner.  However in such calm and soothing way God meets me at my lowest state and every time it’s different. I may receive an enjoying text message, a phone call from a friend or a spiritual placed in my heart to visit. And sure enough after my encounter with God, I feel at peace and closer to my Father than ever before. So, do you want to know what happened after Peter repented? Well, in such loving and gentle way, Jesus responded in Luke 5:10, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” By reading the end of this story, even now, I am reminded that God is not set to harm us or put us in fleshly fear. Even in Peter’s negative mindset, a sprinkle of hope was there. Jesus noticed it and immediately acted upon it. So, my message to you tonight is it’s okay not to always have it right. Never think when you slip up God is going to push you to the curb and have nothing to do with you. Our God is love and He has an astonishing plan for you. You may not be able to see it at this very moment, but know it will come to pass. I mean look at the life of Peter. He screwed up in many situations walking right alongside Jesus … (hmmm can you relate?) But never did Jesus say pack your bags and get to stepping, no He’d correct him and showcased His reckless love for him. And sure enough our Father still does the same thing today. So the next time you are in a jam and feel like you’ve messed up severely with God. Be honest with God and let Him know how you’re feeling. Then, let those feelings go and expect a response from Him. I promise you He answers EVERYTIME.

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Come Out of Hiding

Airplane flights have a supernatural effect on me. When high in the sky, away from the horrific sounds of police cars, ambulances, and firetrucks, I feel in tune with God. As if we are having a one-on-one in-depth conversation. However, when I exit the plane, that once vivid feeling of connectivity is gone, and I feel further away from my Father. My spirit urges me to connect back with the Spirit of the Holy One that was there moments ago; however, my body and soul are interested in examining what is around me physically. After a few tugs and words of deception, the flesh wins this round. My spirit cries to be set free by the Father while my body moves by the beat of the fast cars, flashing lights, and chaotic commotion of the world. The last time you heard from me regarding REFRESH Magazine was April 20. (Check it out here!) on that specific date, I informed you that I’d be going on a journey, and I’ll be keeping you posted on what God had in store for me. https://youtu.be/V3jxcX831zM While filming that segment, I repeated what my Father informed me to say to His people. At the time, I had no idea what the “journey” would look like, who would be involved, or what I would receive from it. In a sense, I felt as if I were one of Jesus’s first disciples: anxious, curious, and ready. For they had no idea where Jesus was taking them, but they “IMMEDIATELY left their nets and followed Him” (Matthew 4:20) because they sensed in their spirit that something grand was about to take place. Feeling the same way, I dropped everything clear and certain to me and followed the voice I perceived as God, and then…..everything changed. For the next five months, I found myself seeking my home, peers, thought process, church, and, sure enough, my voice. In many ways, my voice became obsolete, quiet and silent. Yes, it would speak, but simply according to man and what sounded good. The best way I could describe myself during that time was similar to a robot- an object moving by demand. I would have moments where the light to my spirit would flicker mightily in my womb, and for a few minutes, I’d sense in my spirit that I wasn’t exactly where God wanted me to be. However, once I’d mention that feeling or sense to anyone, I’d be informed that it simply wasn’t my spirit speaking to me but a distraction from the enemy. After receiving such a straightforward message, I would forget about my spirit and, just as I would when exiting a plane, follow my body and soul. Now mind you, in the beginning, when I first received Word about this journey, I just knew it was from God. Nevertheless, it took the start of this journey to figure out what I was experiencing was not ordained by God. However, He informed me that “ALL THINGS work together for GOOD to those who love Him and are called according to HIS PURPOSE (Romans 8:28), and even during that trial He still had me covered and even until this day He still does. I needed to experience the trial that I went through this summer. By experiencing it, I became more aware of myself, my calling and truly my voice. So my message for you today is to enjoy your life. Enjoy the struggles, changes, challenges, hardships, and joys, for it is simply set to help you. Keep in mind that our God is a God of love. He cares very much about you, but He wants to see you grow. So every hardship or mix-up you find yourself in, and you feel as if God is not there, count it as a lie and begin to declare authority over your life, for you have it because He’s given you dominion and power! With that being said, let the journey to REFRESH continue. Join me on this real-life roller coaster where I will share with you the practical steps God shares with me, His overall full purpose for me and will.  

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