Hi! Welcome to My Journey to REFRESH!
I’m Erica Nicole, an online liaison here to help women discover God’s purpose for their life and fulfill their destiny through the Word of God!
How can I serve you?
Are you a young woman in Christ seeking for direction?
Would you like to receive new revelations from God and find out the next steps to take to fulfil your God-given purpose?
If so, you’ve come to the right place. I post revelations, testimonials, and life lessons once a week that focus on my life to empower you to grow in your purpose and move forward with what God has called you to do.
A little more about me:
I am a professional writer, speaker, book editor, Youtuber and a true seeker of God. My sole purpose here on Earth is to empower women (just like you 🙂 with words of wisdom and enlighten those who have fallen away from God and who are unaware of Jesus Christ. Overall, it’s my passion to see people of this generation and prior generations mature in Christ.
What this website is ALL about:
The Purpose
Our Mission
The Listening Ear
The Listening Ear