7 Simple Steps to Help You Push Forward When You Want to Give Up

Well, I’ve finally made it. Slight headache and all. The good news is I’m here and God receives ALL of the glory for that.

Ladies, can I be honest?

I didn’t plan to post tonight. My plan was to make up some bogus excuse as to why I wouldn’t be able to and simply wait until tomorrow, but this time I made the decision to say no.

Last week I was encouraging you all to have no more excuses and bring your vision to life, yet here I was about to make an excuse myself.

Talk about practicing what I preach.

In a nutshell, this week has been far from glamorous. Rough work shifts, late-night counseling sessions with loved ones, and little to no sleep hours, just to name a few, derailed me from completing my personal tasks. And, since I didn’t complete my tasks unwanted stress followed me which led me to a mini-meltdown of all that needed to be done and what wasn’t done.

Fast forward, an hour later as I began to regroup from my meltdown God reminded me of the importance of thoroughly seeking Him.
Now that we’re in a season of revitalization, it is important that we truly acknowledge His presence and prepare to make a change.

Here are seven steps you will need to  grow in Christ and rebirth your purpose:

7 Simple Steps to Help You Push Forward When You Want to Give Up

1.) Make the decision.

Determine in your mind you want to grow with God. Share with Him your frustrations and allow Him to begin the process of healing.

2.) Prepare for your change of thoughts.

During this season Abba will begin to introduce you to Godly warriors who made the decision to follow Him. As you connect with them your spiritual senses will heighten and your thoughts will begin to change.

3.) Study the Word for yourself.

It is a phenomenal feeling when God begins to lead you, but do know Satan is not far behind. Peter is a great example. In Matthew 16:17 the Holy Spirit spoke through Peter by sharing who Jesus truly was. Jesus acknowledged His connection with the Holy Spirit and prophesied to Peter. However, a few minutes later he had to rebuke Peter because of the demonic statement placed on his heart that he spoke openly. That is why it is important to place the armor of God on you described in Epshains 6 during this transition because the enemy WILL attack.

4.) Connect in Church.

It’s time to come out of hiding and begin to operate with the gifts God has placed on the inside of you. Now that you’ve gained knowledge for yourself with the word of God it’s time to find a Bible-believing church or began to engage in the one you are in. Seek the Lord in prayer and ask what church will be best for you to build your foundation.

5.) Ask questions.

When God reveals that church to you begin to ask questions. Even the crazy ones! The ones that don’t make sense. In Matthew 6:33 he says to seek first the kingdom of God and everything else will be established. Ask your questions and bombard heaven to receive your answers.

6.) Repent and Fully surrender your life.

Whether this is your first encounter, you’ve slipped away or you simply want to dig deeper because you sense you were destined for greatness it’s important that you do so by giving yourself to Him fully so He can use you. To find out more about surrendering your life to Christ click here!

7.) Begin to walk in your new life with Jesus Christ.

Your mind is renewed and you are ready to prosper so walk with boldness because you are a new creature.


Hey friend, did you enjoy what you read? What was your greatest takeaway? I can’t wait to read your comments below.

2 thoughts on “7 Simple Steps to Help You Push Forward When You Want to Give Up”

  1. Great list E*, particularly numbers 3 & 4 …..keep up the awesome work … God bless

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