5 Simple Steps to Get W.I.R.E.D About Your Vision

Looking outside of the small rectangular window high above the sky, a sly grin spreads across my face. I can’t believe my once vision to travel to Louisiana was now a reality.

And, you know what?

It only took six months to come to pass!

Let’s backtrack…

In February 2021 (after procrastinating long enough 💁🏾‍♀️) I created a vision board. Daily, I declared (and still do) my affirmations, my desires and dreams through prayer,  chats with Abba, and a simple glance at the board.

Now, let’s be real…

We all know, this world has gone mad because of Rona and its long-lost sister Delta. Masks are being forced to wear again. Airports are cracking down on travel regulations for passengers and cases are continuously rising. So, honestly traveling anywhere outside of the grocery store and back was a little far-fetched for me. Nevertheless, I knew God would work it out because later that month, my close friend LaDonna was accepted into the Louisiana State University MFA program. 

Can someone shout: R O A D   T R I P 🙌🏽

This is why when the opportunity came to help LaDonna settle into her new place, I didn’t hesitate at all, and my close friend, Maya didn’t either!

I truly believe the trip was all in God’s divine favor and the answer to my prayers.

So, what does all of this have to do with me, you may be thinking?

It’s time to get W.I.R.E.D!

Sis, I want you to know what you think about, even dream about is powerful!

The ONLY thing you have to do to access that power is W.I.R.E it up!

Here are the five pivotal tools needed to wire up your vision and make them a reality:

1. Write it out.

Write down the vision you see or things you want God to do. Habakkuk makes the statement clear when he says, Write the vision and make it plain, so he may run who reads it. 

2. Imagine your dreams

Capture your vision in mind and imagine what you will see. Once you have these imagines in mind release them on a vision board and place them in a location you’ll see daily. 

3. Review & Reflect

Be intentional, by reviewing and reflecting your visions and dreams daily. Pray that God aligns you in His perfect will with the visions He placed on your heart.

4. Express Excitement

Get excited about the visions God will allow to come to pass. Praise Him in advance!

5. Declare & Decree

Use the authority Abba placed inside of you by declaring and decreeing the things you want Him to do.


Hey sis, did you like what you read? What was your greatest takeaway? I can’t wait to read your comment below!


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