Happy Wednesday beautiful people! Okay okay , so I know I know I’m late in posting and I truly do apologize. Nevertheless I am back today with part 3 of 18 Lessons I Learned in 2018. If you haven’t checked out the last two segments I suggest you do so now before moving forward 🙂
18 Lessons I Learned in 2018 Part 1
18 Lessons I Learned in 2018 Part 2
In tonight’s segment topics such as faith, maturity in Christ and friendships are discussed. As always an audio recording is included with my personal thoughts on the matter and tonight specifically my view of a full moon. Yes, I know random,but hey it wouldn’t be me if it wasn’t. LOL 😀 Enjoy!
8.) In order for your dream to manifest you must take action.

I believe the first step when moving forward with dreams and aspirations is to take action. A few times last year I felt as if I were stuck in various positions that was impossible for me to get out of. Nevertheless while spinning in cycles, God reminded me that in order for me to see change I would have to move in His direction. Although I was not able to see His entire path mapped out for me, by taking action, my trust in God was enhanced and in all honesty established.
9.) Speak Up

If one where to ask me is it important to 1.) speak up or 2.) keep my thoughts to myself, in the past, I would have more than likely said, “No! Keep your thoughts to yourself.” However, my response has changed and I now believe it is imperative that one speaks up. Your voice wasn’t given to you to keep silent, but to speak up and share what you believe is right.
10.) You will never stop growing

Growth is always evolving. We are always spiritually and physically growing.
11.) God doesn’t care about religious practices, but more so about what’s done behind closed doors.

In all honesty prior to last year, majority of my relationship with God had been based on religious practices, such as serving people,foot-washing, communion, tithing, etc. Not to say that I truly didn’t enjoy these task, but my heart was set in the wrong direction because I felt God owed me something for completing them. By stepping away from my comfort zone and listening to His Word from other perspectives , I was finally able to understand God owes me nothing for He has done enough.
12.) Cherish your friendships. Pour into them as God pours into you.

I truly believe what you put into a friendship is what you receive. From my past experiences I’ve learned that not everyone is set to be my friend, but for the few God has placed in my life it is important that I cherish them and treat my friends and I treat myself.
That’s all for this segment. Tune in next week for the fourth and final segment of 18 Lessons I Learned in 2018! God Bless!
Another one *DJ Khaled voice* lol….another gem here, I would like to add… ditto on the taking action on your dreams…. on the point of speaking up, yes I do agree; however, let us be sure to use wisdom and not emotion to get our point across (Proverbs 17:27&28)…. definitely true on growth because all things that live, must grow….for if we don’t grow, we die….I MOST DEFINITELY value relationship over religion and definitely understand the importance of cultivating/fostering a healthy friendship (or any type of relationship for that matter) …. awesome, awesome, AWESOME!!!!!